Lost items during upgrade to 4

Community Member


I had 1Password 3.x from the MacAppStore, this morning there was an update to 4.x. Which I made.

Upon launch of the new version, a welcome screen told me what all the good stuff I could find in 4.x.

But... my problem is that I'm now missing many items (all credits cards, all my secure notes... all are gone).

I use Dropbox to sync on multiple devices (iPhone and Macbook).

I really don't know how to handle this situation, I really need some help.

Can I re-install 1Password 3 in any manner to see if my items are still somewhere?

Thank you!


  • jchatard
    Community Member


    So I tried using 1Password anywhere from Dropbox, all my lost items are here! Hallelujah!

    But the don't show up in 1Password 4 for Mac...

  • jchatard
    Community Member

    Ok, found what was going on. It seems that by default 1Password 4 doesn't want to use the Vault stored on Dropbox. Just updating the settings to use Dropbox has fixed everything!


  • Thank you very much for the update, Jérémy!

    I am happy you found the solution. We are still puzzled by the fact that 1Password chose the older 1Password 3 file by default. It should be comparing the file timestamps and offering the most recent file.

    Perhaps we should change the logic and select the file with most items if the app finds multiple 1Password 3 files.

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