what are the various items in 1Password4?

Community Member

what's a "login" versus a "password"? etc. there's a users guide but it looks to focus mainly on getting 1p4 set up and going. Is there a more comprehensive manual or documentation of these sorts of things? thanks!


  • Stephen_C
    Community Member

    This thread (and in particular MikeT's post at #4) will help explain about the logins and passwords categories.

    There are other resources, with quite a lot of information, in the User Guides and Knowledge Base (and that is being constantly updated).

    That said, I'd love a downloadable manual at some time when the team has rather more time on its hands than it does at present!


  • Hi @jeff3f,

    Logins is what you use to log into a specific site, it usually requires three piece of information; username, password ,and the website address. It's also a special category used by the browser extensions to fill in your data.

    Passwords is just a simpler version where it is only focused on a specific password, key, combination #, codes or anything of that sort. It's also being used as a safety net for the 1Password's Generator Password. Each time you generate a password, a copy of it is recorded into Passwords.

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