URI Schemes (http/https/ftp) difficult to see and can't search for them in the app [Confirmed]

Community Member
edited November 2013 in Mac

1P4 hides the URI scheme component of the website field when you leave edit mode, so you can't see whether it begins with http, https, ftp, ssh, etc. This makes it somewhat difficult to know what type of connection is used by the item. It would be nice if the URI scheme remained visible.

Also, 1P4 smart folders don't search the URI scheme, so it makes it very difficult to find all the logins that begin with ssh or ftp, for example. I've tried smart folders that search URL and "any value", but neither work on the URI scheme part of the address.

So we can't see or search for records that have a particular URI scheme. Given that 1P4 did away with the FTP item type...it would be nice to be able to find all the items beginning with ftp:// to make necessary changes to those items.




  • Hi @aal,

    We wanted to hide the most unused parts to make it less noisy in the normal view. We do need to find a way to make this clear and let you search the URL fields containing the URI. I'll add an improvement request in our tracker for our team to consider in a future update.

    What you can do for now is change the website label to ftp, or ssh, here's what I mean:

    In the blue area, you see the field name is changed to ftp, and the red area showing the any value search field finding it.

  • Hi @aal,

    Got a quick question, what if we make it possible to reveal the full URL if you press the option key, like it reveals the password right now? Would this work for you?

  • Uno_Lavoz
    Community Member

    @MikeT I'm not even involved with this topic but I think that's a very cool idea. Just holding down option to see the whole URL + password revealed. It would be consistent with the "reveal extra details" nature of the option-key, and it would keep the mostly-useless protocol-specifier out of the way except for when you need it. Best of all, it requires almost zero effort from you. Go for it :)

  • sjk
    1Password Alumni

    Hey, @Uno_Lavoz.

    You're involved enough now to know that @MIkeT also field an improvement request (in addition to the one mentioned in his first reply) for pressing the Option key to reveal full URL, :)

    I like the idea regardless of my previously stated issues with unintended password visibility with Option key usage.

  • Uno_Lavoz
    Community Member

    @sjk Brilliant. :) High five.

  • sjk
    1Password Alumni

    Uno_Lavoz: :-h

    I mistakenly thought there was a high five emoticon here so you'll have to settle for that wavy substitute. :D

  • Uno_Lavoz
    Community Member

    Hah! :-h

  • aal
    Community Member

    MikeT -- Thanks for the tip on the label. Holding the option key to see the URI would be helpful, but it would be most helpful to be able to include the URI info in the search criteria of a smart folder. That way we can find all of the ftp, ssh, etc. entries....or a specific one. As I'm sure you know, some of us have quite a few entries for those types of systems, and may need to be able to find them to make changes to them. Thanks!

  • sjk
    1Password Alumni

    Hi, aal!

    @MikeT has already added your request for URI scheme searching to our tracker. I'd also like that capability:

    I was thinking of suggesting using a "URL is http://" search to match and easily locate all items with it but it's impossible to search the entire URL string. Would be useful if the URL scheme (protocol) could be matched, e.g. ftp, http, https, etc.

  • thightower
    Community Member
    edited November 2013

    :-bd Eh this could also suffice.

    In addition, to the emoticon. I would like to see the option / reveal feature for this. Cool way of solving the issue. I am using method 1 by changing the field name.

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