Search does not respect category selection

Community Member

This is a huge problem for me, I have a lot of saved logins with associated generated passwords...however there is no way to use the search for only logins (or only anything) without using a advanced search every time. I should be able to change the "default" search, not just save it as a Smart Folder...otherwise I am going to end up with hundreds of smart folders (1 for every login, whats the point of that?). I am certain that search in 1Password 3 only searched the "Scope" of where I had selected, not the entire vault. While it is nice to search within "All Items" if that is what I have selected, it is not desirable when I click the Logins category and have it search all items.

What is the roadmap for having the search respect the selected Category, folder, etc?The search really seems to be horribly conceived or I am missing something.


  • sjk
    1Password Alumni

    Hello, @Xipper.

    What you've described sounds essentially like what I posted during beta testing:

    [4.0b91] toolbar search scope vs. sidebar selection - AgileBits

    Are we indeed on the same wavelength or thereabouts with this? :)

    I'll make sure this is filed in our tracker. Also, I'd be interested in any feedback or other ideas you have about possible improvements. Thanks!

  • Xipper
    Community Member

    @oversoul - it sounds like we are exactly on the same page, this would be a great enhancement and fix my biggest complaint with the new version...otherwise I am actually pretty happy with the new version, change is always difficult...but so far it hasn't been a disruptor to me beyond trying to use the search to find logins and not all other items that 1P decides matches that I don't want to see. I use ad-hoc search quite frequently as i would literally have more "smart folders" than would be efficient, it would just duplicate the problem...I'd need a way to search my smart folder names to find the right one ;)

  • sjk
    1Password Alumni

    Agreed, @Xipper.

    A change like this is more likely to be in a 4.x major update, not a 4.x.x minor update. Right now, 4.0.x is focusing on bug fixes and not new features.

  • ancie
    Community Member

    I have noticed this problem too. And for the record, this possessed the major inconvenience for me. Please make this as priority to fix.

  • sjk
    1Password Alumni
    edited November 2013

    Hi @ancie and @Xipper,

    Category-specific searching is possible in 4.0.5 and probably earlier versions. More improvements with searching in general are planned and we always appreciate your feedback.

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