how to create multiple logins with both password and security answer

Community Member
edited November 2013 in Mac

I am able to create one password for a website that on a page that requests both the password and answer to a security question (the user ID is requested on the previous page). How can I create multiple login responses for the website with answers to each security question? If I copy the one login that is saved, I am not getting the option to show web form details on the copied login. Or if I login in manually with a new security question, 1Password only allows me to update the original saved password/security answer.


  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @FredV,

    I do apologize, but I'm not quite sure if I understand what you're looking for here. If you provide the web address for the site that you are referring to, I might be able to give you a bit more specific answer.

    However, I do have a few options for you to consider in the meantime:

    • If the security question asked is always the same, you can try to manually save a Login that will fill both fields. There are instructions here on Saving a New Login Manually.
    • If the security question rotates between multiple options, you can save the answers as text fields in the current Login and then copy and paste the appropriate answer from the App once 1Password has automatically filled the password. (In this case, you would need to change the Submit option in the Login to 'Never')

    At this point, 1Password doesn't have a specific mechanism for security questions, but it's certainly something that we are considering adding in the future.

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