Restored Vault from Time Machine Won't Open

Community Member

Hi, quick preface: I don't know what I'd do without 1Password. It's phenomenal and y'all rock.

Now that that's out of the way :) I pulled an old copy of my primary vault (I've only ever had one) back up from Time Machine and into a different folder. I'm trying to open it up in MAS version of 1P4 but keep getting the message "Incorrect password" "Please enter the correct vault password." but I'm sure I'm putting in the right password (it hasn't changed since I made the back up). This version of the vault that I've pulled up was made and updated last with 1P3 if that's of any consequence.

Any help would be much appreciated.



  • sjk
    1Password Alumni

    Hi, @3van. Thanks for the kind words!

    Now let's fix this problem with unlocking your 1P3 backup data to use with 1P4. :)

    Is that 1P3 data in a 1Password.agilekeychain or …? And how exactly are you trying to open it? Also, do you currently have data in a 1P4 vault that you want to preserve and merge the 1P3 data with it? Or do you want only the 1P3 data in a primary or secondary 1P4 vault?

    So you don't think this only questions with no possible answers, I'll refer you to my post about how to open a 1P3 keychain backup file in a new 1P4 vault: here. Ignore the beginning about extracting the keychain from the zip archive since you're beyond that with the "Incorrect password" issue. And if the rest is similar to what you've already done and got stuck then we'll figure out another way to unlock your data. After that's done you can put it wherever you'd like to.

  • 3van
    Community Member

    Hi @oversoul, thanks for responding!

    Regarding your questions, it is a .agilekeychain file and I'm trying to open it by double clicking it in Finder. I have a vault in 1Password currently that I'd like to keep separate from the archive I'm trying to open (I have an old password in the archive I'd like to recover, but that's all I need from it).

    The guide you linked to is awesome, but I continue to get the "incorrect password" error when trying to open the old vault :(

    I've actually gotten around this by using the in-app backup restore (luckily I had one from a few months ago) so I've got what I need over here but if I can help you figure out what's going on with restoring/opening other vaults I'd be happy to.

  • sjk
    1Password Alumni

    Thanks for the explanation, @3van. I'm glad you were able to salvage what you needed from another backup, whew! :)

    What was the original location of the .agilekeychain you restored from Time Machine and had it ever been synced with another system/device, perhaps causing the Master Password to differ from what you expect it to be? And just in case it could matter, which version of 1P4 have you been unsuccessful unlocking this with?

    Not that I'm suggesting you do it, but if this happened to me I might end up temporarily using 1P3 with the restored keychain to check if it could be unlocked since the result would help isolate where the trouble actually is. If it doesn't unlock with 1P3 then it definitely won't with 1P4.

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