1Password autofill improved in Version 4?

Community Member

Has the autofill function been improved in 1P v 4? Until now I have found this function to "kind of work". That is, it does not fill in fields from Identities or Wallet well or accurately. I did not see anything mentioned specifically in the "what's new in version 4" pages, so I am concerned that this function has not been improved.

Improving this function would be a great leap forward.


  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @jasimon9,

    While there haven't been significant enough changes in this feature to warrant inclusion on our "what's new" list, we are constantly working to improve the filling feature in 1Password, and 1Password 4 does have improved capabilities over 1Password 3.

    If there are specific sites that you find 1Password has difficulty filling forms on, please feel free to send them our way. The more information we have about sites that 1Password has trouble with currently, the better our chances of improving this behaviour in the future. ;)

  • jasimon9
    Community Member

    I used to regularly send in detailed lists of URLs posing problems, and specifically what the problem is. Started doing this in 2009. Since I never saw any evidence of AgileBits valuing this input, I stopped doing it. I just got resigned to the fact that it worked for about 60% of autofill fields.

    This issue is more annoying when you realize it is largely a solved problem. Even the browsers themselves do this function pretty well, not to mention your competitors.

  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @jasimon9,

    I am sorry if you feel that your suggestions have not been properly received. I can assure you that we are keeping close tabs on sites that currently don't do well with filling, and any assistance is appreciated, even if it hasn't been acknowledged.

    Unfortunately, we are a small team, and there are many features in 1Password that require our developers' attention. We're not always able to make immediate progress on any given issue, or explore all of the avenues that we would like to. This certainly doesn't mean that it's not on our radar.

    We really appreciate your patience and your understanding here :)

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