Can't Edit from within the Browser Extension or Mini + other issues

Community Member


first - i love 1P!

after i snagged v4, i ran into some things that are different from v3 that i miss.

in v3, from within the browser (Safari mostly, for me), if i needed/wanted to edit a login record, i could. now i can't. why would i want to? well, for instance, i've been trying to change all my passwords from easy ones to using a complex one from the generator, as i run across them & as time permits. it was very quick'n'easy to do this without having to open/goto the application. i loved being able to just click edit in the browser extension, click the generator, copy the complex pass, click edit for the record for the site i'm on, paste in the new pwd, & click save - then go about the business of changing it with the website.
now, as you know, i gotta switch windows to do that. i'm not whining, just explaining that i moved faster with this process before.

also in v4, i haven't found the way to easily "update" a record. say for instance, i was doing the above scenario backwards - if i changed the password with the website, and THEN go to log in, input the 'new' password into the appropriate field & log in. 1P wants me to create a new record instead of just updating the one i have. am i missing something here?

i love the unified mini app in the menubar, but, i've found when i click it, then mouse-over a record, nothing helpful happens. i have to mouse over the little triangle to the far RIGHT of the record name. and many times, the record details open to the LEFT of the menu, which means i have to carefully keep my mouse in line as i move it to the left side. if someone has jittery hands, like myself, i'm constantly accidentally moving the mouse out of line & it goes away requiring me to start over. this is especially exacerbated if a record has a long name. so, it'd be nice if the details area would activate when the mouse over occurs over any part of the name area. better yet, let a click make it sticky instead of launching the site :-)

it'd also be nice to have a preference option to allow the menus to show in full rather than have them cut off with a "show xx more" option.

so, thanks for listening/reading/considering. if there are any answers to the above that i just haven't figured out yet, please lemmeknow.


  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @SyberKnight,

    Thanks so much for providing such detailed feedback! I'm so glad to hear that you love 1Password, and hearing your experience with 1Password 4 and your workflow gives us a good idea of the areas that we need to make a bit more user-friendly. In this case, a lot of the things that you are mentioning are already on our to-do list ;)

    I can't comment much on unreleased features, but I've added your votes to these glitches and hopefully you'll see a smoother experience soon! If you do notice anything else that needs a bit of polish, please let us know.

  • gennaria
    Community Member

    Completely agree. The functionality of the the old browser extension, particularly the ability to edit or delete a password from the extension was super useful. Feels like a downgrade to me.

  • sjk
    1Password Alumni

    Hi, @gennaria.

    I can understand why some functionality that's missing in the new browser extension feels like a downgrade to you. Improvements are planned, with item editing capability being one of those most frequent suggestions, and will be available as a free update when implemented. Thanks for letting us know that's important for you.

  • I agree 1PW is still wonderful and that I have lost some key functionality in the browser extension. For me the two biggies are:
    -being able to edit from within the extension
    -being able to view and copy portions of notes field from within the extension
    This second item is particularly important because that is often where I put bogus non-sense answers to security questions.

    Although I have missed these capabilities, I agree with the principle of trying to scale down, listen to users, then add back in as needed. It is similar approach to that which Apple often takes (a la Final Cut Pro X), and I prefer it to feature creep and clutter. I do hope that these particular functions will be added in an update (soon?).

  • sjk
    1Password Alumni

    Thanks for the feedback, @CTLTony.

    At the moment there's no news on when support for item editing directly within 1P mini might be available.

    With 1P4, it can be preferable to store certain information (e.g. security questions/answers) with custom fields that are visible in 1P mini/extensions instead of using notes fields or separate Secure Note items. That doesn't imply notes-related support won't be coming to 1P mini. :)

    Some of what's upcoming can be gleaned by peeking at 1Password 4 for Mac Release Notes with Show betas selected.

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