Edit secure note, loses insertion position

Community Member

OS X 10.9, 1Password Version 4.0.5 (405001)

When looking at a secure note and scrolling down somewhere to something of interest, I decide to Edit the note at that location. Clicking Edit resets to the top of the note and I have to repeat the scrolling down to find where I was before when I decided to edit. This happens a lot for me, and it is irritating.


  • sjk
    1Password Alumni

    Hi, @kbrown.

    To confirm, you're looking at a long Secure Note and scroll its details pane to view additional text before entering Editor mode?

    When entering Edit mode on any type of item its Title field is highlighted and selected, causing auto-scrolling to the top of the details pane (if necessary) where the Title field is, which is the intended behavior. If the scroll position didn't change the highlighted/selected Title field wouldn't be visible when entering Edit mode.

    Please set me straight if I'm misunderstanding what you're suggesting should happen. :)

  • kbrown
    Community Member

    I'm saying that after scrolling down somewhere in a long text, I often want to edit there, I hardly ever want to edit the title which ends up selected. I think if the insertion bar is down in the text somewhere, that position should be honoured when clicking Edit. If nothing has been selected in the text, or no insertion bar is there, then it would be ok to select the title and scroll to the top.

  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @kbrown,

    Thanks for providing some detail on your workflow. I'll be sure to pass this along to our developers. Because we didn't originally intend for 1Password to be used to store and edit large documents, we're still sorting out the best way to handle things like Secure Notes. I do apologize that it is inconvenient for you, and we'll look into ways to make this more user-friendly in the future :)

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