Speeding up Search on iPad

Community Member

Sorry if this has been posted elsewhere (unfortunately, search for the word "search" here - just gives so many results.

As a user of iPhone, iPad and OSX 1P - I find that I have a lot of passwords... so the favourites feature you added a while back was a god send for getting to those frequent use ones. However when I need to find something a bit more obscure - I find it awkward particularly on the iPad because there isn't a dedicated "search" button to just press (and there is certainly real estate for a button). Often when I launch 1P - it's already been used to find something and so it's in some category already and there is no obvious way to search (by the way - in this state there is a bug where the details shown in the main panel don't match the selected item on the left - or if no item is selected, details are shown which don't match anything - this has caught me out a few times). After that jarring realisation (even as a long term user) - i recall its back a few menus, so you press back on categories, and then select All Items and then you get the Search box. On the iPad, even when you are on "all items", if you have a lot of items scrolling up to the top is a nuisance - and while there is the "press the top of the screen to go to the top" hidden shortcut - it doesn't seem to work as well in 1P and you have to keep stabbing at it...

So while I get that the iPhone has limited screen space and I need to lump it - the iPad has lots of space (and given its a different UI anyway) - could't you just add a dedicated search icon? (there might even be a creative iPhone solution too).

Anyway - here's hoping.



  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi Tim ( @365nice ),

    Thanks so much for describing your workflow here. You're not the only one who misses a dedicated search button on the iOS app, and I'll be sure your vote gets added to the feature request. :)

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