Can't copy and restore my 1password data from my Windows PC to my ipad mini

Community Member

I have been using 1password for Windows about a month, just bought the ipad version. I successfully copied the Windows backup file from the PC to the ipad while it was connected using ipad's app file xfer feature, itunes on the PC says it is there. When I tried to use the ipad version I followed the prompt to 'i have used 1password before' then next to 'transfer files' and then tried to 'sync' the file, it appeared to do that in about 1 second, then nothing happened. I've repeated this process half dozen times. I see the spinning icon saying 'syncing items' in the favorites or file cabinet or folder tray/icon in 1password, but it never seems to stop doing that or produce anything.

The only instruction I found online from agilebits says that on the ipad version to select settings then database then restore, but funny thing is the ipad version does not have a database submenu or restore option there or in any of the items that are there's submenu's. So, what am i missing? How do I do this?

Note that I never ever want to put my password db over any type of internet service or cloud, i just want to manually copy these files between my PC and ipad for maximum security. I would consider wifi between my PC and and ipad but according to the doc I found you only suppord that on a Mac?


  • Megan
    1Password Alumni
    edited December 2013

    Hi @rbryanr,

    I'm sorry to hear that you're having trouble getting your data onto your iPad. Unfortunately, 1Password for Windows has limited sync options. We are looking at adding more options in 1Password 4 for Windows, which has just started beta testing, but currently your only option to sync between Windows and iOS is to use Dropbox.

    I know you mention not wanting to put your password data on the internet, and that is a completely valid position. I did want to tell you a bit about the encryption that 1Password has put in place for your data, and why we feel safe enough recommending cloud syncing to our users.

    We are very confident about storing 1Password data in the cloud, as your data file is encrypted with an exceedingly secure encryption algorithm called AES. Even if someone were to acquire a copy of your 1Password data file, it would be extremely difficult (approaching impossible in a human lifetime) for them to actually gain access to your passwords without your Master Password. In short, we believe it is just as secure as having the data on your laptop. To learn more about cloud data security, have a read through the following article.

    And you can see the thoughts behind our data format's design here.

    Also, you can check out our blog for many more articles that go into the nitty gritty math behind what makes 1Password so secure.

    I wish I had a better answer for you here - please let me know if I can provide any further clarification.

    If you do decide to transfer your 1Password data via Dropbox, the instructions for how to do so are here: :)

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