Rich Icons have disappeared from fresh install?

Community Member

Hi - reading the forum, I know that there were problems with Rich icons, but I thought they were fixed? I just removed the app (sadly - I have to do this every once in a while as that damned merge error - dropbox has changed completely issue keeps happening every month), re-downloaded it and when the data came back, no rich icons appear (they do appear on my mac).

This time I did edit the the .ws.agile.1Password.settings file to point it to the file in a subdirectory (e.g. 1Password/1Password.agilekeychain) as I want to use multiple vaults and I have having them scattered in my dropbox rootdirectory.

With this change it does find my data file and load all the entries - its just that the icons are missing now.



  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @365nice,

    First of all, I'm sure you know this, but I just need to caution you: because multiple vaults are not yet supported in iOS, we don't encourage people to sync multiple vaults via Dropbox. Mostly because there is a danger that 1Password on iOS will notice one of your secondary vaults and merge the data (just like you are seeing.) We hope to have multiple vault support available for iOS soon, and then this will no longer be a concern.

    As far as rich icons go, these should be displaying in iOS. Please check in Settings > Display and confirm that 'Show Rich Icons' is toggled to ON. :)

  • 365nice
    Community Member

    Hi - yes the Rich Icons setting is on (and i've tried turning it off - checking them and then turning it on and checking them - nope). I did wonder if that path in .ws.agile.1Password.settings had something to do with it - but then my iPad is working perfectly and showing icons and using the new location for the 1P file...

    Woooo - I've figured it out - and it's a weird one! I did this yesterday morning - I had that annoying "dropbox has changed completely" msg and from previous advice here I deleted the app - and then reinstalled it from the app store. However before reinstalling, that is when I decided I would move the data file to somewhere a bit tidier (and having recently updated my mac to 1P4 and seeing multiple vaults - it seemed like a good moment). Then I went in the app store on my iphone - searched for 1P (as that's faster than using the already purchased tab) and it had the little download cloud icon to restore the app. Which I pressed and it downloaded it... (I actually did this twice as when I had problems I thought it wouldn't hurt to clear everything and try again).

    Guess what - that little download cloud icon didn't give me the latest version... bizarre huh? I would expect that with those steps above I would get the latest version - but just checked now - and it was offering a 1P update. So downloading yesterday didn't give me the latest version from Nov 11? Applying the update has corrected the problem - but that is one that can catch you out.


  • 365nice
    Community Member

    By the way - I think I understand the limitations of multiple vaults... currently I'm expecting that most stuff is in my primary vault - I've created an Archive vault so that on my mac I can store some old stuff for potential reference (v.s. putting zzz in front of it) and I don't need that on my iPhone anyway. I also chose to use File Sync for that vault. So I think I'm good.

  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @365nice,

    Thanks for that detailed report! I agree, it is strange that the App Store didn't give you the latest update. I am glad to hear that the update fixed the rich icon issue for you.

    And it does sound like you have multiple vaults pretty well in hand. An 'Archive' vault synced to a separate folder shouldn't get in the way of iOS at all. :) Please let me know if we can be of any further assistance!

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