Need suggestion...Wifi

Kent Pavelka
Kent Pavelka
Community Member
edited December 2013 in Mac

In what "category" do users suggest keeping various wifi usernames & passwords? I use an iPhone 5 which automatically searches for previously used wifi networks. Occassionally, the network pops up but the username & password are gone. Wondering where, in 1Password, people are storing these.


  • PJ1
    Community Member

    I keep my router and wifi logins in a Communications smart folder (and a standard folder as smart folders and tags don't yet sync to iOS).
    I also keep each one tagged for the day these can be synchronised.
    Also, the most used logins etc., are kept in Favourites so that it makes it quick and easy to copy and paste when necessary.
    I tend to find that keeping the clipboard down to 90-seconds before clearing when frantically copying and pasting, also aids with my daily aerobic exercise requirements!
    Hope this helps.

  • @kentp I personally use the Wireless Router category:

  • Kent Pavelka
    Kent Pavelka
    Community Member

    So how do I move an item to a different category? Tried dragging but doesn't work.

  • PJ1
    Community Member

    The only way I know is to create a folder and drag the item there. It will at least show up in Folders on iOS.
    When putting into a category, I had to click the plus sign at the top, choose wireless and copy and paste the info to create a new listing, then delete the old one.
    If someone knows an easier way I'd like to know it too.

  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @kentp,

    I would like to apologize for the delay in responding to you here but we have been a bit overwhelmed since the launch of 1Password 4 for Mac. We're all working hard and putting in extra hours to get back to our usual snappy responses and we really appreciate your patience.

    Unfortunately right now there is no way to move items from one category to another. This is something our developers are looking at making simpler in the future, but because each item is specially designed with specific default categories (some of which must fill in on web forms), it's no small task. For right now your best option is to copy the information and paste it into a new entry. I do apologize for the inconvenience!

    Please let me know if we can be of any further assistance - we're here to help :)

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