Hi - does 1password allow for JAMF to manage it's application settings?

Our organization would like to deploy the fingerprint unlock for 1password - however, a user is free to select the preference about how often they have to put in their master password. We'd like to be able to lock that preference using JAMF - is it possible to do this given the way 1password was built?

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided
Referrer: forum-search:jamf


  • Hi @mh_nerdwallet

    Unfortunately I don't have any information on JAMF with regard to 1Password. I would recommend reaching out to our business team at business@1password.com for a more definitive answer. They would be in the best position to 1. answer this question and 2. advocate for support for JAMF with our development teams if it isn't something we currently have.



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