moving/adding a new computer and how do I install and move over my 1 password data

Community Member

I currently have an iMac running El Capitan, a macbook pro running El Capitan, an iPad Air and an iPhone all syncing through iCloud running 1password 6 standalone. The iMac and macbook pro are old and can not be upgraded to later OS.

I'm about to purchase a new macbook pro which will have the latest OS Majove. My question is do I need to install 1Password 6 on the new machine in order to upgrade to 1 Password 7? I can't install 1Password 7 on the old iMac or Macbook pro.

If I understand correctly, moving to 1Password 7 on the new macbook Pro will mean I can't sync to my old iMac or Macbook pro but assume I could sync my iPhone and iPad air with the 1 password 7 running on the new macbook pro. is this correct? If so would I just turn sync off on these older machines?

What would be the Process steps to install 1Password on my new Macbook Pro? are the steps different if I went to membership vs standalone license?

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @CBGuy - you don't need to install 1Password 6 for Mac first before upgrading to 1Password 7 for Mac, and in fact I wouldn't recommend it -- there's just no reason to do that on a new Mac that's running the OS for which 1Password 7 for Mac is optimized (and 1Password 6 for Mac is not).

    If I understand correctly, moving to 1Password 7 on the new macbook Pro will mean I can't sync to my old iMac or Macbook pro...

    Not sure where you got this impression, but good news: it's not the case. Assuming you're using iCloud to sync, you'll be able to continue right along doing so; 1Password 6 for Mac and 1Password 7 for Mac both work quite well with iCloud sync.

    What would be the Process steps to install 1Password on my new Macbook Pro? are the steps different if I went to membership vs standalone license?

    If you want to retain your iCloud sync/standalone setup, you'd need to download 1Password 7 for Mac from us (not the Mac App Store), and purchase a new license for the new version. You can do so (in fact, will be prompted to do so) right within the app itself. Just choose iCloud as your sync source, then at the Purchase Options screen, choose the standalone license purchase option:

    Having said that, I would generally recommend a 1Password membership for most people, for numerous reasons. But in your case, it's worth asking whether you plan to keep using these older devices that are hardware-limited to OS X 10.11 (“El Capitan"). If you DO plan to continue using them for the foreseeable future and also plan to continue using 1Password on them, it might be better to wait to migrate to a membership. El Capitan can run 1Password 6, and you can currently use a membership with 1Password 6 for Mac (6.6 or later), but that won't be true indefinitely. As things change (and older versions of both 1Password and OS X remain the same), there will be a time when you can no longer use on such older devices. I can't say how quickly that day will come, but if these older devices are mission-critical for you and you must keep using 1Password on them, it might be better to stick with standalone 1Password. I say that only because in virtually any other case, a membership is certainly the way to go. It's more robust, easier to set up, more secure and (depending on how many different platforms you use 1Password on), cheaper. But the choice is yours. Let us know if you have any questions! :)

  • CBGuy
    Community Member

    Could you revie the following and comment as to whether I understand this correctly;
    1. I could move to a 1Password 7 membership and all my hardware would be in sync regardless of the fact that the iMac and MacBook Pro are running El Capitan and the iPhone and iPad Air are iOS?
    2. I could get my new MacBook Pro running Mojave, install 1Password 7 as a standalone license and use iCloud sync and it would sync to my El Capitan devices that would remain running 1password 6
    3. I could move to a 1Password 7 membership on a new MacBook Pro running Mojave, then move my iPhone and iPad Air (IOS) to use the membership and turn sync off on the old iMac and old MacBook and they would still be able to use the one password 6 but would be standalone with password data no longer be synced but I could key in new data or changes as needed until I dispose of these units

    Also I’m trying to understand the travel function. Can you provide real live examples of entries that a person would like eliminated from a device your traveling with. Do such travel removal items need to be in their own vault?

    In general at my age (almost 70) I try to avoid subscriptions as this could prove a problem to my children should I pass away. Eg the subscription continues to process charges and it should be stopped. Stopping the subscription eliminates the ability of my children/executor from accessing needed information. However it was explained that if the subscription expires at the end of a year that data is still accessible usable exportable, printed out, used from the 1Password application but not updatable etc. Is this correct. Eg my executor could enter my master password and use 1Password to see my notes, documents access websites etc.


  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @CBGuy - all of those are possibilities, and in your scenario #3, the older Macs that do not join the account could continue to sync data by any of our other methods (Dropbox, iCloud). They would NOT sync with the devices that are using the account, but they wouldn't have to be separate "islands" unto themselves. I'm not sure why you would do that, but it could be done.

    Travel mode is only available with accounts. The idea is that as many jurisdictions grant themselves substantially increased powers to search users' devices at points-of-entry, border agents cannot search what does not exist. Travel mode doesn't simply "hide" vaults on your device by some UI trick of making them not visible to the local app (while still existing on disk), it actually removes any vaults from your device(s) that are not specifically marked as "safe for travel," as soon as you turn on travel mode on the web, along with all record of what vaults were even present previously.

    Regarding subscriptions, I guess I understand not wanting to leave your children with a bunch of persistent, nasty surprise "gotchas" in the form of charges after you're gone...but wouldn't that be a function of your own credit card/bank account? I assume your executor/children would not leave your existing accounts open indefinitely. Without a valid renewal charge, your account would simply enter Frozen status, meaning that although your kids/executors could not add to, modify or delete any of the data, if they possessed the necessary credentials (your Secret Key and Master Password), they'd still be able to go on opening your data and even exporting it for use elsewhere, if they so chose. Your data is yours; we don't hold it hostage from you even for just can't add, change or delete any of it if it remains unpaid.

  • CBGuy
    Community Member

    If I understand correctly the option 1 signing up for 1Password membership/subscription either individual or family would work on all my devices even those on the old El Capitan OS machines. Correct? The OS and Older Safari would not affect their 1Password 7 functionality. If this is correct then I could go migrate there now and add my new MacBook Pro when it arrives. Correct?

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @CBGuy - correct...for now. The reality is that 1Password 6 for Mac is a legacy version of 1Password and won't be receiving further development attention. The 1Password server and related syncing and database will, however, and eventually some of those changes will mean version 6 will no longer work with 1Password accounts, in the same way that 1Password 3 for Mac no longer functions at all on macOS 10.14 (“Mojave”). And yes, you can use either of your 1Password 6 for Mac instances to move the data. Create your account at, then sign into it within 1Password for Mac and move your items from your standalone vault(s) to your account. Just make sure you do that only one device, then (on others) just follow these instructions.

  • CBGuy
    Community Member

    If I understand correctly the option 1 signing up for 1Password membership/subscription either individual or family would work on all my devices even those on the old El Capitan OS machines. Correct? The OS and Older Safari would not affect their 1Password 7 functionality. If this is correct then I could go migrate there now and add my new MacBook Pro when it arrives. Correct?

  • danco
    Volunteer Moderator

    I guess I understand not wanting to leave your children with a bunch of persistent, nasty surprise "gotchas" in the form of charges after you're gone...but wouldn't that be a function of your own credit card/bank account? I assume your executor/children would not leave your existing accounts open indefinitely.

    It's not really that situation. But card payments would be stopped once the company was told that someone had died. And one does have to tell the company quickly, as otherwise they will be trying to claim any payments due from a bank account that would be frozen. At least that is how an executor would need to deal with things in the UK.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @CBGuy - you're correct, with the caveat I mentioned above of not knowing for how much longer older El Capitan Macs running version 6 of 1Password will work with accounts. They will all work for now, and the immediate future. For exactly HOW long on those two older Macs, I can't say.

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