Program quits after 5 minutes and requires reentry of Master Password to continue.

Community Member

Earlier versions of 1Password would stay open until I logged off or shut down my iMac.
Version 1Password7 continually shuts off and requires multiple re-entry of my master password to continue working.
How do I eliminate this irritating behavior?

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided
Referrer: forum-search:Running 1Password7 on an iMac. On earlier versions when I logged on, 1Password would stay open until


  • danco
    Volunteer Moderator

    Take a look at 1Password > Preferences > Security, and see if the settings need adjusting. Because that behaviour certainly should not happen unless some settings are wrong, and certainly does not happen for me.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @nelomelo - I'm sorry for the trouble! When you say "shuts off," however, what do you mean? 1Password for Mac itself crashes? Or is it just locking and requiring your Master Password or Touch ID? If it's the former, that's definitely a problem. If the latter, that's expected, depending on the timeouts you have set (as @danco mentioned). You can't set 1Password to never require your Master Password, but the settings in Preferences > Security are pretty customizable, so play around with those and see if you can get it to where you'd like it to be. If you have any questions, feel free to ask! :)

  • nelomelo
    Community Member


    My iMac is running Mojave 10.14.3 and has ample data storage space and memory.
    When I logon in the morning, I open Chrome and immediately select the icon to start 1Password, enter my master password and begin my morning routine. I read email, headlines, open and peruse my investment accounts and then start to work. Usually about 15 minutes have gone by. At this point I may recheck the market or open Parallel Desktop, a partition of my hard drive housing Windows 10, with
    Microsoft Office where I keep my major work related documents.
    I have been using 1Password for about 5 years and each previous version of the program would be open and allow me to insert a password to access any other App I needed. At this point I can work on any Mac app or any Windows app.
    When I attempt to open any Mac app and select the 1Passwod app to proceed, I am required to re-enter my Master Password to open
    any of my other apps or reopen any I had opened earlier.
    This happens throughout the workday. 1Password works for between 15 minutes to 30 minutes, then closes automatically and requires me to re-enter the Master password before it will work again.
    I have tried to adjust Preferences>Security many times. Nothing changes. Please tell me what are the proper settings.
    Should I delete the program and try to reinstall it?
    Have you a technician that can take over a sharing session to diagnose this problem?
    Any other ideas?
    Thank you.

    Neil Miller

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @nelomelo - Thanks for the clarification.

    ...each previous version of the program would be open and allow me to insert a password to access any other App I needed.

    Can you give me an example of an app that would require you to "insert a password?" Is this in your browser? Or apps in your /Applications folder? I'm hard-pressed to think of too many examples of applications that require passwords to launch/open, so I'm not sure what you mean by this.

    This happens throughout the workday. 1Password works for between 15 minutes to 30 minutes, then closes automatically and requires me to re-enter the Master password before it will work again. I have tried to adjust Preferences-Security many times. Nothing changes. Please tell me what are the proper settings.

    There aren't really any "proper" settings, that's why they're called "Preferences" - because it's a matter of your preference. In these settings, the ones you want to focus on would be the lock settings, specifically lock when idle, lock on screen saver and lock on sleep.

    These are the settings that are most likely to cause 1Password to lock when you'd prefer it not to. I'm wondering about your use of Parallels here as well; if you're finding yourself spending a good deal of time in Parallels during this time, I'm not certain how that would register for macOS: you'd be working/doing things on your computer, but it would be within the context of Windows 10, not macOS - at least not directly. I know that if you're watching a movie on a streaming service, particularly if it's full-screen, although you're technically "doing something," you're actually not touching any of the input devices or interacting with macOS, and so 1Password can sometimes time out under those conditions; I'm wondering if working exclusively in Parallels - particularly in a maximized window - would do the same? So if you find yourself in Windows for longer periods of time, I'd consider un-checking the boxes for lock on sleep and/or lock on screen-saver. and setting the timeout to something like a few hours. See if that makes any difference. Let me know what you discover.

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