login links work 30% ??

Community Member

After reinstall finally up and running again with 1Password. It seems that only about 30% of the time that I use a login directly from 1Password in the menu bar does it work. If I open the login in 1Password and cut and paste into the site login screen that it works.__What am I doing wrong. Thanks for any guidance.

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @wellsjacobson - I'm sorry for the trouble. When you say "directly from 1Password in the menubar," what steps are you taking specifically? Do you launch a website in your browser first, then click the 1Password icon? And by "menubar," do you mean you browser's bar or the Mac menubar at the top of the screen? Or are you launching the 1Password mini first and clicking "Open and Fill" from an item there? Something else?

  • wellsjacobson
    Community Member

    I am using the 1Passord mini from the Apple menu bar and often it seems to take me to pages that are no longer active. If I first go to the sight in Safari and then use Mini to cut and paste it works. Is there a way to make this process swifter?

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @wellsjacobson - it sounds as if some of your Login items may not have been properly saved to begin with, or the owners of those sites have changed something about how their login page works. I'd recommend re-saving those items again in 1Password, or at least visiting the site's current login page and checking to make sure the saved URL you have in the Login item in 1Password is the same as the one in your browser now. If not, replace what's in the Login item in 1Password with the correct URL of the sign-in page. For difficult or unusual Login pages, you can also try saving the Login manually. Let me know how that works for you. :)

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