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Change account name after converting from family to individual

Community Member

I'm trying to change the name of my account which was created as a family account but which I recently converted to an individual account. The name shows up in the list of accounts in Preferences -> Accounts and also online under billing.

1Password Version: 7
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: macOS 10.14.3, Windows 10 build 1803
Sync Type: 1Password Accounts


  • Hi @beatrix

    You can edit your name on this page:

    Select 'edit details' below your name. I hope that helps!


  • beatrix
    Community Member

    Hi Ben,

    It’s not my personal name, it’s the name of the account that shows up in the sidebar in the Accounts Preferences on Mac. It still has the name of the old family account. This might be a bug, but I would like to figure out how to change it either way.



  • @beatrix

    Gotcha, thanks for clarifying. That is actually a bug in the membership conversion process. Changing your name on the page that I mentioned and then changing it back should fix it. Please let me know if it does not.



    ref: b5/b5#5473

  • beatrix
    Community Member


    Thanks, that fixed it.

  • You're very welcome. If there is anything else we can do, please don't hesitate to contact us.


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