1Password gets really slow after running for a while (a few weeks on the never restarted Mac OS)

Community Member

1Password gets really slow with time on my MBP if it has not been restarted for a while (a couple of more weeks) or the user has not re-logged in, and then killing the 1Password, 1Password Extension Helper, 1PasswordNativeMessageHost (the latter two respawn) bring it back to normal again.
It does not matter where I use it: Safari, Firefox, Chrome, or just invoking the extension in a random app - it's slow as a snail until I kick it in the guts using the above method

1Password Version: 1Password 7 Version 7.2.4 (70204000)
Extension Version: no idea (does not show up)
OS Version: 10.14.2
Sync Type: Dropbox


  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    Welcome to the forum, @romanrev! I'm sorry for the trouble. Macs are designed to be pretty stable even over lengthier periods of time, but as you know from real world experience, what works on paper or in the lab doesn't always work in reality, as various things start and stop and have interactions with still other processes, etc. There's no reason 1Password shouldn't continue to work smoothly even if it's been running for a considerable length of time, but over that kind of time-frame, it's also much more difficult to say what might be affecting things -- and still more so if you "kick it in the guts" to reset/remove whatever was causing the problem. What I'd recommend is that the next time this happens to you, try to grab us a process sample from Activity Monitor and send it to us via email to support@1password.com, and also include a diagnostics report, so we can get a clearer picture of what might be causing the problem. Thanks! :)

  • jamesgarvey
    Community Member

    I've seen this same behavior on my mac. Rebooting clears it up.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @jamesgarvey - thanks for weighing in. I'd recommend the same steps to you: if you see this slowness happening again, take a process sample from Activity Monitor and send it to us along with a Diagnostics Report. Thanks! :)

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