Multiple Issues on Upgrade to 1PW7 - Please Help

Community Member

I’ve heard nothing from my email from the other day, and my comment from this morning appears to have disappeared, so will try again.

Long time user of 1PW. I purchased it for both my sons, my wife, and myself across multiple computers and devices. Everything worked great until 1PW7.

I upgraded to iPW7 on my wife’s MacBook when she acquired a new machine. It imported and converted her personal vault to the new format. We both sync our personal vaults between devices (me, an iPhone and an iPad, for her, MacBook and iPhone). All the iOS devices have the latest OS, the latest version of 1PW, and I’ve purchased the Pro features. Syncing is via DropBox.

Her 1PW7 installation ($50 for the license) will not read or convert the shared vault we both use, which is in the legacy format. So, she can no longer access the bulk of the passwords she needs.

I’ve tried importing the old V6 vault, but the dialog doesn’t work (it asks for an account and a file, but won’t allow me to select anything).

I double-clicked the vault file with the hope it would attempt to open it — which it did — but only displayed a message that it has to be converted to the new format. Of course, it didn’t offer to kick off that process.

I can’t open the old vault in 1PW7, conversion doesn’t seem to work, so I’m stuck.

Can you please advise how to convert the file and restore the operation we had before.

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided
Referrer: forum-search:Migrate


  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @drgardner - I'm sorry for the trouble! Comments on this forum are occasionally caught in the moderation or spam queue, for various reasons. Those that are, will not appear here until one of us has a chance to review and approve them. I wasn't able to find any email in our queues from the email address you used to register at this forum. Did you perhaps send it from a different email address (note: do NOT post your email address in this public forum)? If you're sure you used the same email address, you might try re-sending. We answer user contacts in the order we receive them, and we've been experiencing a surge of support requests lately. Given the fact that this message itself is now a couple of days old, I'm hoping one of my colleagues has been able to get to your email. Let us know if that's not the case.

  • drgardner
    Community Member

    I’ve heard from support, which provided a suggested fix. Didn’t work so waiting for another plan.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @drgardner - great, I'm glad someone was able to reply to you. :)

  • drgardner
    Community Member

    Didn’t help. Got lectured again on why I should be using the service. Really tired of it.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @drgardner - I'm sorry your issue isn't resolved yet. Without being able to see the correspondence myself, it's difficult for me to have any worthwhile thoughts about it, but whichever of my colleagues you're working with via email is going to do their best to work with you until you've got the setup you're after. :)

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