Smart Folder Name resets to Default after restarting 1Password

Community Member

I am running version 7.2.4 of 1Password.
I can create new Smart Folders. By default - these are labelled as "Smart Folder"
I can successfully rename the folders. eg. FolderA, FolderB, FolderC
When I quit and re-enter 1Password, the name of the folder reverts back to the default label "Smart Folder"
When I select File > New Smart Folder results in the same result (all previous smart folders are reverted back to the Default Name

1Password Version: 7.2.4
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: 10.14.3
Sync Type: Dropbox


  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    Welcome to the forum, @alexcapovilla! I'm sorry for the trouble. Smart Folders are only available in standalone data, and - for the moment - only in 1Password for Mac. They're being retired in favor of Tags, so I would be cautious about basing too much of my organizational strategy around them. We'd like to be able to do a cross-platform-capable version of Saved Searches (which is what Smart Folders really are) in the future, but the current iteration of Smart Folders in 1Password for Mac relies on macOS-only capabilities, meaning users on other platforms don't get the benefits and in fact if you have other devices like an Android tablet or phone, or maybe a PC at the office you use 1Password on, you won't be able to see any Smart Folders.

    Having said all of that, Smart Folders in 1Password for Mac should still be functional. Can you please Quit 1Password 7 Completely by typing ^⌥⌘Q (or just holding down the Control and Option keys as you choose Quit from the 1Password menu), then try restarting it, and see whether you're able to change Smart Folder names without this renaming issue? I'm able to do so in my own 1Password 7 for Mac setup.

  • nealg
    Community Member

    I have the same problem with v7.2.4. Restarting using Control/Option does not fix the issue and the name of my Smart Folders reset to default. Any further ideas?
    I have to disagree with you Lars about the usefulness of Smart Folders on a Mac. The ability to set one up for new items that are not yet tagged is the prime reason I use them. The alternative to use the Search function is not as efficient as the Smart Folder immediately gives me the result I want rather than having to do a separate Search operation.

  • nealg
    Community Member

    Just found a fix for the Smart Folder naming but it means having a copy of v6 1Password.
    I renamed the Smart Folder in v6, did a sync via iCloud, then opened v7 and the Smart Folder new names remained.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @nealg - I don't disagree that Smart Folders can be a useful feature to have. What I said is that they are currently implemented in 1Password for Mac using Apple-specific (and in fact macOS-specific) means, which makes it something not available to or even readable on other platforms. Glad you were able to find a solution that worked for you. :)

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