Tip: Upgrade from agilekeychain to opvault in 1Password 6 before installing 1Password 7

Community Member

For those very late to the dance, for the fellow rare birds that are not yet ready to use 1Password's excellent hosted service, if in 1Password 7 you are having trouble getting it to read your existing vault, the way that I broke out of the unending loop of 1Password 7 not reading the vault; and turning sync off and on not providing any relief; was to go to my one computer that still had 1Password 6 and do the update to opvault format there.

As always, please do be sure to securely backup your critical data like your vaults before any upgrades or changes. Also looking at the forums, I'm not alone in struggling to migrate and I'm hoping to save you to be drawn down rabbit holes like https://support.1password.com/dropbox-troubleshooting/ .

I meant to share this tip back in Dec 2018, but when I ran into a number of other problems as described in https://discussions.agilebits.com/discussion/98847/after-installing-browser-extension-1password-7-should-work-without-restarting-1password/ . Today, I'm upgrading that last computer to macOS Mojave and so remembered to share this.


Aside, Agilebits old blog redirects are broken https://blog.agilebits.com/2015/10/19/when-a-leak-isnt-a-leak/ is no longer a valid link. The blog redirects should be fixed so that date based entries redirect successfully, like to https://blog.1password.com/when-is-a-password-leak-not-a-password-leak/ instead of the current broken behavior redirecting to https://watchtower.1password.com/ .

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @lloydde - thanks for the tips. It's definitely easier to make the changes you're describing if one is NOT still using the now-retired Agile Keychain format when one goes to make the upgrade. Here are specific instructions for doing that in the context of 1Password 6 for Mac. Once it's done on one device, users need only turn sync OFF on other devices, then re-establish Dropbox sync and choose the OPVault instead of the older Agile Keychain.

    That said, the upgrade process to 1Password 7 for Mac from 1Password 6 for Mac will import existing vaults, not via the keychain but directly from the SQLite database, then inform the user that Agile Keychain is not supported and that their sync keychain must be converted to OPVault. It's an extra step or two in the process and can potentially cause confusion, but it should work successfully on the first device (after which the remaining step of re-establishing sync with the OPVault instead of the Agile Keychain on all other devices is the same).

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