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Optimize uploading and linking documents

Community Member

Hi everyone,
I really, really like 1Password and it provides nearly everything that I need. One thing that in my opinion could be drastically improved is the document management. I understand that you want users to store documents in one single place, but uploading the document and then linking it to the respective entry (e.g. passport or drivers license) is really cumbersome and on an iOS device, does not really work well.

It would be great, if you could implement the capability to upload the document within e.g. the passport record (where you link it now) itself instead of somewhere else. You could still store it in the documents area, but it would be a one-step uploading and linking instead of doing both in two different places.

Thanks in advance for considering the proposal

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • Hi @thimplicity

    Which 1Password app are you using? 1Password 7 for Mac can already do as you're proposing:

    On iOS our support for adding Documents is fairly limited, and I'd love to see that beefed up. One of the factors that determines our priorities is customer demand. Surprisingly, to me, there just hasn't really been much demand for that. That isn't to say that we may not do so eventually anyway, but it isn't currently something that is on the horizon.


  • Mr. K.
    Mr. K.
    Community Member

    I think there's room for improvement with the documents implementation. I think most of my issues could be resolved if there was a back to last item function with a button in the document preview window. FYI, I find naming the documents so you know what there are is very helpful.

  • ag_ana
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @Mr. K.!

    Thank you very much for taking time out of your day to to share this feedback! As Ben said, this is not something we have on our radar just now, but we do appreciate you sharing your thoughts.

    Once again, thank you and have a wonderful day!

  • thimplicity
    Community Member

    @Ben I am using iOS and Windows 10. The document could use some attention on both platforms.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @thimplicity - thanks for the clarification. As Ben said, it's not on the front-burner just now, but we definitely have some ideas for changes that could be made in the future. Thanks for weighing in. :)

This discussion has been closed.