Can't change sync
HI there I am currently using 1password on my mac and I have it set to sync with a dropbox account I cancelled. I would like to switch it to my new business dropbox account but when I go to the sync tab in preferences I can't change the sync location for my vault. There is no change sync button although that seems to be what the support tickets already answer say I should see. Can you provide any advice about what might be going wrong.
1Password Version: 6.8.9
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: OS 10.13.6
Sync Type: dropbox
Hi @MiriamJ
1Password doesn't officially support syncing with Dropbox Business accounts. That said Dropbox user account configuration isn't handled by 1Password at all; that is handled by the Dropbox app itself. I'm not super familiar with Dropbox Business, as we don't support it, but my (limited) understanding is that the Dropbox app handles business accounts differently than standard accounts. You may be able to get this to work by turning off Dropbox sync in 1Password and then setting up Folder Sync:
How to keep a copy of a standalone vault updated in a folder
If you're not seeing the option to turn syncing off... could you please post a screenshot of what you do see in 1Password > Preferences > Sync? If there is any sensitive information shown there that you'd rather not share with the world (this is a public forum) please feel free to email it to us at
.But again this isn't a supported solution so it may or may not work (now and in the future). I'd really have to recommend a more reliable solution for this precious data. Also please note that it is highly recommended to not use Dropbox for attempting to share 1Password data. This almost always eventually leads to problems down the road where users/devices become "out of sync" and it can be incredibly difficult if not impossible to get back to a good state. If you want to use 1Password to share business data 1Password Teams or 1Password Business would be the appropriate solution:
Pricing for teams & businesses
As an existing 1Password customer I'd highly recommend reaching out to our business team at
to discuss such a transition further.Thanks.
P.S. I noticed you mentioned you're still on 1Password 6, which has been retired. We'd always recommend keeping up to date with the latest versions of all of your software, but especially 1Password, your operating system, and your web browser. A 1Password membership would include access to 1Password 7. I'd also recommend upgrading your OS to 10.14.