Documents not visible in beta 1.15.4

I work a lot with Document items in 1Password X and in the latest beta, I cannot see any actual Documents to download/view.
A Document item now only consists of:

  • title
  • vault name
  • last modified and created dates
  • edit button
  • favorite button

To get to the actual document, I currently have to press "edit" so that the 1Password web app opens, and then cancel the edit to see the document I want to download.

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: 1.15.4
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type:


  • Hey @Manaburner! We really appreciate you sharing this aspect of your 1Password X workflow with us and the behavior you'd like to see in the new popup. Adding the option to download your Document items is a great idea and the devs working on the new popup agree - They've already got an issue filed for it and I went ahead and added this thread as a comment to it, to let them know the feature is being requested. Feel free to keep an eye out for the feature in future change log posts (be sure to check the "beta builds" box). :)

  • Manaburner
    Community Member

    @cecelia Thank you, I will carefully watch the release notes :)

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    :) :+1:

  • Manaburner
    Community Member

    @brenty @cecelia I did not find it in the release notes, but Documents are visible again. Thank you :)

  • Yay! You're very welcome, @Manaburner! You can find this in the second line of the "NEW" portion of the change log:

    • Document items can now be downloaded straight from the popup.
This discussion has been closed.