CSV file with all my passwords visible
Hi. I just found a CSV file containing all my logins and passwords, on my computer, in my Onedrive folder. I don't recall exporting this file my self. Can I somehow see all logins on my 1Password account? I am afraid that someone somehow got access to my account.
1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided
@Peoke - 1Password does not make unencrypted CSV exports automatically under any circumstances. The only way to achieve unencrypted CSV exports from 1Password is to export your data and remember to choose CSV as your format (default is typically .1pif instead). Other password managers might have made such a file, if you were migrating from a previous solution to 1Password, however? That's really beyond what I can offer any opinion or assistance with.
I'm not sure what you mean by "someone got access to your account." Can you clarify? If you have a 1password.com account, do you mean someone was able to physically access your PC or Mac (or mobile device) running 1Password? Or that you have malware on your device that you fear has perhaps exfiltrated your 1Password data or your Master Password and Secret Key? Or that your credentials were leaked some other way and someone accessed your 1Password account online from their own device?
Just finding an unencrypted CSV file with your passwords in it on your computer isn't necessarily proof that someone "hacked" you, but especially if you cannot remember exporting your data, it certainly IS a good reason to change your passwords at all of the sites that are in the CSV files.