Prevent overwriting filled fields with form fills
I'd like an option to prevent form fills from overwriting input fields that already have values.
Consider this a feature request, because I know there's no option for it right now. Lastpass has this option and it's very useful.
Here are some scenarios to think about:
- A shopping cart where you fill in your contact / shipping info and then your billing info. If your credit card has a different name, it could overwrite things you've filled out above the fold, and mess up your order details without you even knowing.
- On forms that are poorly designed, a form fill might put the incorrect details into a box and potentially ruin an order form. Again, if this happened above the fold, you'd never know about it until you submitted.
- If you have multiple form fills, and you might want to use a combination of fills on a single form. You'd want the form filling to be predictable when you hit "Fill" the second/third time.
To elaborate on item 3: In Lastpass I had a "fake" form fill with a fake name and address that I used as often as possible (no need to use your real name or contact info when buying a movie ticket, for instance). Sometimes you want to use all fake details, but use a real email address. Other times you want to use real details, but a "burner" email address. In Lastpass you could do all of this out of the box. I found I used a combination of form fills on almost every form I filled out. I know I'm an edge case, but it worked really well and I'd recommend it to anyone. Nobody needs your home address when you sign up for a grocery store loyalty program!
Item #1 is less edge-case-y, at least. Please consider adding the option!
1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: 1Password X v1.14.3 (Firefox)
OS Version: Windows 10
Sync Type: Not Provided
Hey @marshall_stacks – thank you for the elaborate report! I really appreciate you explaining your use case to us. Would you mind providing any of the URLs where you notice this happen? I'd like to do some testing on my end and potentially get some issues filed for our developers.
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Thanks for the reply 😀 I'll post in here the next time I come across a form that exemplifies this!
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Awesome. Thanks @marshall_stacks!
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I found another example of this issue recently. In this case, it's also kind of related to this issue: Credit Card Autofill Fills Contact Phone Number
On this site:
I clicked some available time on the calendar and put in some number of people and hit "add to cart" to bring up the billing form...I tried this twice, for the sake of this thread; auto-filling my contact details the first time, and then manually filling them in another time. The auto-fill actually put my email address into the "Telephone" box, but that's not the matter at hand.
Once my name, phone, and email were filled in, I then clicked to autofill the my credit card info. It autofilled fine, but it also put my bank's phone number in where my own phone number used to be. Since the field was already highlighted blue from autofilling my contact details, I almost didn't notice it. It's unlikely that a user would ever want their credit card's issuing bank customer service phone number to auto-fill into a billing form, and it's even less likely that anyone would ever want an auto-fill to overwrite a field they already carefully filled out. Hope that helps. Cheers!
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Thanks for the update, @marshall_stacks! I've passed the report for the Vancouver Brewery Tours site along to our development team. We'll be working on a way to resolve the issue, and we appreciate your feedback on the subject. :)
ref: xplatform/filling-issues#489