Mac app doesn't reflect changes made online or through cli

Community Member


I am currently investigating 1Password as a possible replacement for LastPass.

I played a lot with the cli and the web client.

However, I didn't see the changes I made in the native mac client.

How can I force a sync ?


1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • thightower
    Community Member


    Lock and Unlock the Mac app to force a sync, that is unless something has changed that I am not aware of.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    Indeed, just make sure you're looking at the right account/vault too. :)

  • mickael
    Community Member

    @brenty, @thightower Thanks for your answer, I locked/unlocked and remove my other test account. Here is a comparison of both view. Nothing looks like to sync :(

  • mickael
    Community Member
    edited April 2019

    So I started over, deleted app, deleted all *agilebits* folders in ~/Library, reinstall, reauthenticate.

    Now, this is worse, I can't edit/see any secrets. If I click on a secret, nothing happens on the content pane. Clicking on edit, doesn't do anything also.

    What's the correct way to clean up the installation ?


  • mickael
    Community Member
  • mickael
    Community Member
    edited April 2019

    So finally, after reading the support page, I was OK except that I didn't restart my Mac.

    And sadly, still stuck :(

    So it looks like there is a problem with the Private vault, others seems to be working fine.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @mickael - let's maybe back up to your original post. 1Password is designed to work without having to resort to fishing around in ~/Library/Group Containers and ~/Library/Containers or using the CLI. I understand you're considering this for a production environment in a business context, but I'm now no longer certain that you haven't partially removed some of what you'd need to make 1Password work properly.

    Can you explain what "sadly, still stuck" means, and why you think there's a problem with your Private vault? What problem, specifically, and what steps have you taken to determine/troubleshoot this?

    • What specific version of macOS are you using?
    • What specific version of 1Password for Mac do you have installed currently?
    • What specific version of browser (and which browser) is installed?
    • What specific version of our CLI tool are you using, and what commands are you attempting to use?
    • Anything else you think might be relevant to helping narrow down the trouble you're experiencing


  • mickael
    Community Member
    edited April 2019

    @Lars thanks for taking steps furthers

    Here are the details of my configuration:

    • macOS: 10.14.4
    • 1password: 7.2.5
    • I use mainly Safari 12.1
    • cli: 0.5.5

    Symptoms on the private vault :

    • I have a bunch of entries that are stucked:

      • those entries include entries created with CLI and also the default note "Welcome to 1Password"
      • clicking on entries doesn't display content
      • can't edit
      • can't delete
    • New entries seem to work correctly

    What I have done so far:

    • worked on a CLI tool to migrate my LastPass data: autocreating missing fields, a vault for each lastpass share, keeping LastPass metadata like the LastPass id in custom fields...
    • I mainly use the op create item login but tryied a lot of templates to understand how the undocumented JSON data works
    • Copy the local sqlite database in another directory to try to develop a query script using local data
  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @mickael - you may want to check in with @MrC here, one of our awesome forum moderators, who's taken his own time and energy to create fully-functional import mechanisms from dozens of sources, from other password managers to straight CSV files. We also have a web-based import mechanism for LastPass in particular, which works very well. No need re-invent the wheel, unless for some reason these tools aren't working for you.

  • mickael
    Community Member

    @Lars, I have seen those import tools, but sadly they are missing some features like auto creation of vaults to reproduce lastpass shares and I need to keep the lastpass ID in a custom field at least to ensure I can always find an old reference in one of our scripts.

  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator


    You can add as many custom fields as you need to any converter in the suite. These fields can go in custom sections with custom names. Ask if you want some guidance or help.

    The suite as you've noted does not create vaults, because no password manager exports export their data in any vault-like format. All exports are singular.

    You can use a combination of your code to export a vault, create a vault, and converter it to a 1PIF, then import it into 1Password in your selected vault.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    Indeed, if you save an export file for each set of data you want grouped, you can then import each into a specific vault as needed. :)

  • mickael
    Community Member

    @MrC Thanks for your guidance. Are those scripts available on GitHub or else where ? I have only found a download link to a ZIP archive on the forum.

    Regarding lastpass, I use the CLI to generate a full database export in JSON format. There is a property "share" that indicates on which vault the entry is assigned to. That's why I planned to use this entry to automatically create vaults and assign items to them.

  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator
    edited April 2019


    The scripts are always at the dropbox location mentioned in the converter suite thread. I don't bother to use Github, as my development environment and packaging requires a process prior to creating the archive (e.g. my docs are auto-generated and post-processed using Marked2).

    My email is at the top of the script - feel free to send an email if you want to discuss anything. I'd love to hear more about the Lastpass CLI and its JSON export.

  • mickael
    Community Member
    edited April 2019

    @Lars I sent an email to the support team with my diagnostics.

    Logs are full of the following errors:

    Thu Apr 25 00:48:41 2019| 70205002 [DATABASE:(Secondary Thread 0x600002fa8640):<OPLogin: 0x7fd024dbc2d0>] E encryptItemDataForExportWithKey: | Missing data for export. exportKey is nil, overviewData is not nil, detailsData is not nil
    Thu Apr 25 00:48:41 2019| 70205002 [DATABASE:(Secondary Thread 0x600002fa8640):<B5Database: 0x600000da8380>] E txUpdateExportDataForItem:error: | Can not encrypt export data for item: <OPLogin-unaufaipj2kvrhpferq6nxs5c4-6 0x7fd024dbc2d0>
    Thu Apr 25 00:48:41 2019| 70205002 [DATABASE:(Secondary Thread 0x600002fa8640):<B5Database: 0x600000da8380>] E txUpdateItem:itemVersion:localEditCount:changerUUID:error: | Could not save export data for item <OPLogin-unaufaipj2kvrhpferq6nxs5c4-6 0x7fd024dbc2d0> error: (null)
    Thu Apr 25 00:48:41 2019| 70205002 [DATABASE:(Secondary Thread 0x600002fa8640):<B5Database: 0x600000da8380>] X _performSyncTransaction:withPriority: | Exception caught in (/Users/iosdev/onepassword4/ApplicationFrameworks/Frameworks/OnePasswordDatabase/Common/OPDatabase+Private.m:217): -[__NSArrayM enumerateKeysAndObjectsUsingBlock:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x600003811740
  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @mickael - thanks, one of us should be with you shortly. What version(s) of 1Password for Mac do you have installed?

  • mickael
    Community Member

    @Lars I used 1Password 7 Version 7.2.5 (70205002)

    But, when grabbing version number, I just noticed that things seem to behave normally now. That drives me nuts :chuffed:

    I will update the post if things go bad again ;)

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni
    edited April 2019

    Make sure you don't have something like LittleSnitch or TripMode blocking 1Password for Mac but not the browser or CLI. Been there, done that. :lol:

  • mickael
    Community Member

    @brenty Indeed, that could be an issue but I don't use LittleSnitch and TripMode is deactivated by default.

    I don't understand what's happening with the Mac App things were working pretty fine.

    The only remaining problem I had was the Mac app didn't display any items in some vaults.

    Then, I decided to have a closer look at the import process and started to count the number of items in each vault. I realize that the mac app missed some in each vaults.

    And then, things goes crazy, mac app didn't display most of the items on which I click.

    Same issue I had in my second post :blush:

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @mickael - maybe I'm missing something, but weren't these issues addressed successfully in this thread by @cohix?

  • mickael
    Community Member

    @Lars, sadly it looks like they are unrelated.

    @cohix helped me to resolve the duplicated custom fields issue on the web ui.

    But sadly, this didn't help to resolve mac app issues.

  • mickael
    Community Member
    edited April 2019

    I forgot to say that I started over when addressing the issue pointed by @cohix.

    I deleted all existing entries and relaunch import process with UUIDS in CLI calls.

    Web UI works fine so far.

    Mac app seems to work better also since that change, but when inspecting deeper if mac app had all entries, things go wrong again :blush:

    A ticket has been opened related to this issue with the number [#FRF-31578-159]. I sent troubleshooting logs.

  • cohix
    1Password Alumni

    I've responded to your email @mickael :)

  • mickael
    Community Member

    @cohix, thanks a lot. I started over, delete everything, and corrected the latest issues in my import script.

    I successfully imported my 2k items, and everything seems working now.

    Thanks again for all the support team, you helped me a lot !

  • ag_ana
    1Password Alumni

    Thank you for the update @mickael!

    If you have any other questions, please feel free to reach out anytime.

    Have a wonderful day :)

  • mickael
    Community Member

    @MrC I forgot to tell you how to perform the full lastpass export in JSON format using the unofficial/unsupported LastPass cli.

    lpass show -xG ".*" --json

    Beware that the JSON generated is invalid regarding UTF-8 encoded characters. I had some headaches to resolve this issue :)

  • Ah, interesting! Thanks for sharing mickael.


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