Some OP CLI helpers

Community Member


I have started to develop some op CLI helpers in python and I have published them on GitHub and as a PIP package.

Currently, this tool has :

  • 2 simple helpers to create login and server items
  • 1 helper to generate and save ssh keys
  • 1 tool to retrieve ssh keys from 1Password and auto create related ssh config files. So you don't have to keep them on your computer.

I will surely add more in the future or improve these ones.

Maybe it could be inspirational or helpful for others.

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • cohix
    1Password Alumni

    That's awesome! I especially like the SSH related ones, I have something similar that I cooked up ages ago, but itsn't nearly as pretty as your implementation :P

  • mickael
    Community Member

    Update of the project:

    • new-database-account helper to create database items
    • support for --account flag
    • support for --return-field to return a specific field like uuid or UUID as a response instead of the full JSON response
    • support for easy templating of title
    • support for notes
    • major refactoring
  • cohix
    1Password Alumni

    Very nice to see the progress!

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