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suspended account, was on corporate membership

Community Member

Hi I have a 1password subscription which I got through my employer - but have now left my company - I think that has resulted in my account now being suspended - please advise how I can sort it out so is reactivated as a personal account? - am not able to sign in currently

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided
Referrer: forum-search:suspended account, was on corporate membership


  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @gldunn - I'm sorry for the trouble! To be clear, WE don't "suspend" accounts for any reason. If an account comes up for renewal and is not paid, it will enter Frozen status, but even then, you would still be able to sign into it, and even export or copy the data elsewhere. Your data is yours, and we don't "suspend" or lock you out of it even for non-payment.

    With that said, if you were part of a previous employer's 1Password Teams or 1Password Business account, you can't simply "convert" it to another type of account (and neither can we!), because you aren't the account owner. If you had personal Logins and Passwords and other items in one or more vaults in such an account, you would need to contact your previous employer and see if they'd be willing to allow you to sign in again and export the data to take with you to another, personal account -- if they haven't actually deleted your data.

    If what you're referring to IS an individual 1Password account or 1Password Families account in which you are the registered owner (and maybe your employer simply was paying for it), then all you'd need to do is sign into your account in a browser, click the Billing tab, and switch the payment method over to something of your own.

    If neither of these describes your situation, probably the best approach would be to get in contact with - our team there would be in the best position to provide any assistance via email without having to share personal details here in this public support forum. Hope this helps! :)

  • gldunn
    Community Member

    Thanks Lars - for some reason I can log in on my mobile but not my desktop - when signed in on mobile I show as having 2 accounts - my company one - which has a red exclamation mark (but nothing to indicate what this means) as well as my personal one - my personal one has an account status of 'Subscribed'. As functionality different on mobile to browser (where I can't log in) I am unable to log in and check/change billing info - any other way around this?

  • @gldunn

    It sounds like you may have two different Master Passwords: one for your personal membership and one for your work membership. Which Master Password 1Password unlocks with depends on which account was added to the app first. It may have been done in a different order on your mobile device vs your desktop. Either way, you should be able to search for in 1Password and find your Starter Kit item(s) which should have your Master Password saved on it.


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