General feedback

This discussion was created from comments split from: Browser restart required again in Firefox?.


  • TonyDennis
    Community Member

    Well, I tried to attach a file per the instructions at:, but the interface here says it won't allow a zip file!🤔 Since I don't have a tech support ticket, there's no email thread to which to respond to send the file. Why does this forum not allow sending a zip file - especially one created by 1P specifically for tech submission?
    Anyway, the noted problem happened again with 1P v7.3 (70300020) in Chrome. Let me know how I should send the diagnostic report.

    On a somewhat related note, it's been bugging me for a long time that if one has the 1P app open in the background (which I do almost full-time since I have almost 3K shortcuts shared between us and a couple dozen clients, and it's easier to do editing and organization with the full app) and clicks the 1P plugin, the app comes to the front of the screen, covering the content of the web page! I'm pretty sure this has been a problem since v7 came out, but I'm just now finally reporting it. Please tell the 1P app to stay in the background when using the 1P browser plugin. I love the 1P app, but it should come forward only when summoned!😉

    Since I'm mentioning using the full app for editing and organization, I'd like to request the ability to open two windows at once in the 1P app so one can compare two different shortcuts to make one reflect the content and/or format of the other. Right now I have to open 1P on two computers to be able to compare shortcuts.😏

    Speaking of shortcut formats, it would be HUGE for us to be able to create and edit shortcut templates for us and our clients. We regularly remind our clients that 1P is for much more than just passwords, we encourage them to put in security information (PIN's, security questions, phone numbers, account numbers, IP configurations etc.) for many accounts, e.g., GoDaddy, Apple ID, ISP's, etc. so they have that information available when calling for tech support or customer service. Having templates which have those fields already in place would go a long way toward users recording this important information in their 1P shortcuts. Is that something we might be seeing sometime?

    A related issue is that it would be nice to be able to move the position of whole sections in addition to fields. Sometimes we create a section and it turns out it would be more useful in another order relative to the other sections.

    Finally, did you see this Wired article about password manages? 1P rules!😎

    Sorry for dumping so much in here, but topics just kept coming to me and I figured it was easier to put in here while I was thinking of them instead of creating a bunch of new notes!😉


  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni
    edited May 2019

    @TonyDennis: This is way off topic, so I'm splitting you off into a separate discussion.

    Diagnostic reports should only be send via email:

    1. Attach the 1PasswordDiagnostics .zip file to an email to, write a description of the problem, then send it.

    Also, it sounds like you're saying that when you invoke 1Password with its main window open in the background, that window comes to the foreground. That's expected, as it's how macOS works: when you switch to an app that is not shown (in the background, or on another Space) from the Dock or ⌘ Tab switcher, the OS switches to that for you. If you don't want that to happen, close the 1Password window when you're not using it; macOS will not bring it to the foreground if it is not open.

    Regarding multiple windows, we don't have any plans for that. 1Password is fundamentally an SDM app, and having multiple 1Password app windows could confuse things for a lot of users and would certainly complicate things in the app itself. I've seen maybe two other requests for this ever too, so it's highly unlikely that it's something we'd even seriously research at this point. You can, however, use 1Password's "Open in Separate Window" / "Pin on screen" feature to view more than one at a time:

    As for this:

    Speaking of shortcut formats, it would be HUGE for us to be able to create and edit shortcut templates for us and our clients.

    What are "shortcut templates"?

    Being able to move sections as opposed to fields is something we may add in a future version.

    Thanks for the kind words and feedback! I'm sorry that I can't promise you everything you want, but if you'll clarify I'll be happy to bring it up with the team. :)

  • TonyDennis
    Community Member


    Thanks for the excellent suggestion about breaking out the "Open in separate window" to do shortcut comparisons! That will do the trick!👍

    As for "shortcut templates", I'm referring to the templates one sees when creating a new shortcut, e.g., Logins, Credit Cards, Bank Accounts, etc. I could have sworn that I read at one time that we could create custom templates, but I can't find anything about that now, so I must have been hallucinating!😜 The ability to create our own templates would be a HUGE benefit as I described above. Also the ability to modify and "save as" the existing default templates. This would greatly expand how the users take advantage of 1P as most of them don't know how, much less take advantage of the additional information they can store in 1P shortcuts.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @TonyDennis: Oh! I forgot to mention that the keyboard shortcut for the separate window is ⌘ O. I find that really handy, so it might be useful to you as well. Works in the main window or mini. :chuffed:

    Thanks for clarifying the "shortcuts" thing. All the various items in 1Password are known as...well, items. Each category of items has a very specific template, as you mention. It isn't possible to create new templates/categories. But you can add custom sections and fields within items, to help you organize things. A lot of people use Secure Notes as a sort of de facto template item since they do not have a set purpose and can be customized. You can sort of create a "template" this way by setting up all the fields you want and then simply duplicating the item. The important thing to keep in mind is that custom fields don't do anything special; they're just there for your own purposes organizing information with an item.

    We would like to have the ability to create completely new categories in 1Password in the future, but that's not a small task. All of the (seven!) 1Password apps would need to be changed heavily to support something like that, so we want to be dang sure that we get it right before undertaking that endeavor. ;) It is something that would be nice to have though, so hopefully we'll find a good way of doing it in the future. :)

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