vault won't stay unlocked

Community Member

I don't want to enter the master password over and over, I want to enter it once and then have it autofill for the next 5 min.

I'm sure this is possible, in settings I have "auto-lock 5 minutes" and yet it asks for the password again.

1Password Version: 7.3
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: iPhone
Sync Type: Not Provided
Referrer: forum-search:master


  • Hi @cfkarsten

    Could you please clarify where you're seeing this problem? You posted in the Mac category but I noticed in your message you said your OS version was "iPhone."

    Please let me know. :+1:


  • cfkarsten
    Community Member


    btw, it is a little confusing trying to figure out where to post if you have an iPhone. I saw a picture of something phone shaped and went with that.

  • @cfkarsten

    Sorry for the confusion. iPhones run the iOS operating system, as do iPads and iPod touch devices, so we named the category that to cover the most ground.

    Could you please take a screenshot of the settings you have in 1Password > Settings > Security?

    ▷ How to take a screenshot

    You can post the screenshot as a reply here by tapping on the last icon (furthest to the right) in the row of icons above the comment box.


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