
Community Member

Do we the 1Password users have the visibility in the road map of our product? Can we know which features are prioritized and coming next release or so. That way it can built the excitement among users.


1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • Ben
    edited June 2019

    Hi @Abhijit

    We keep all of that pretty close to the chest sometimes even internally. We've always been a fairly agile company (the name of the company used to be "AgileBits") and so things have a tendency to change as we move along. We'd much rather under-promise (or, not promise at all) and over-deliver than the opposite. That said, one way you can keep an eye on the direction things are heading is by checking out the release notes for beta releases. You can find those here:

    (you'll need to check the "show betas" box)

    Please do note though that just because something is in beta does not mean it'll be in the next (or any) stable release. Again, that whole under-promise, over-deliver thing. :)


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