find all accounts with a certain email address

Community Member

Hi, just got notified that my university given mail address is going to shut down. Is there a way for me to fin all the accounts in 1password associated with that address?


  • arturoaubry
    Community Member

    Hey, @klauze

    I'm not a 1Pass team member, but I'm pretty sure you can just type your email address in the search bar, and 1Pass will show all the login items that match that particular email address.

    Hope it helps! :chuffed:

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    Welcome to the forum, @klauze! arturoaubry is entirely correct: the search bar at the top of the item list in the main 1Password for Mac window should get your the results you're looking for. If you need more fine-grained search terms, try 1Password's advanced Search Options. Let us know if you hit any troubles! :)

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