total disaster recovery test - my experiences, and a couple of questions

Community Member

I took the plunge and tried a total disaster recovery test. I assumed I would lose everything, including my phone with my 2-factor app. Something like my house burning down.

My setup:

  • Families, but assuming I only need to recover the organizer account.
  • 2-factor enabled, with an app and two yubikeys
  • My recovery page and one of the yubikeys in a safety deposit box

I totally wiped my Macbook and started over. First thing I did was setup my user and install the Mac OS app. Username, password fine. But the only method of doing 2-factor is the app (which I had "lost"). Same for Safari. But I was able to install Firefox, and log in with username, password, and the yubikey. So...mostly a success.

So questions:

  • Is there a way to do yubikey 2-factor in the app?
  • If not, to get the app working, would I have to disable 2-factor auth altogether and reset it up with another app?
  • Any suggestions for improvement?

1Password Version: 7.3.1
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: OS X 10.15.5
Sync Type: 1password

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