Tags all jumbled up after upgrading from 1Password 6 to 7 for mac

Community Member

I upgraded today from 1Password 6 to 1Password 7 for mac. The tags are all jumbled up. For example, I have two "banks" tags on the list where there should be one. Half of the banks are under one icon and the other half are under the other icon. When I edit the individual item, the tags appear identical. I even copied and pasted the tag name from one to another thinking that it would allow one to join the other on the list, but it did not work. How can I fix this?

1Password Version: 7.3.1
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: OSX 10.14.5
Sync Type: Dropbox
Referrer: forum-search:2019, list of tags not in order, mac


  • ag_ana
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @ctolson!

    For confirmation, does 1Password 6 show any duplicate tags, or is this just happening with 1Password 7?

    Can you please also confirm how you upgraded to 1Password 7 exactly? Did you just install the 1Password 7 app and it picked up the existing data for you, or did you import your existing data manually?

  • ctolson
    Community Member

    I deleted 1Password6 on my computer as directed, but was able to open it on my wife's synced laptop. It did give me a lot more information. In 1Password6, I had 16 folders. These categories were the quickest and primary way I negotiated my way to my most used items. This organization is really important to me!

    In addition to this, I had 33 tags, which I rarely used. Some of the folders and tags had exactly the same names. All of these converted into tags in 1Password 7. Having the same name in folders and tags explains why I have duplicate tags in 1Password 7. I still don't understand why some banks, for example, all of which were in the bank folder are now in one tag and others in the other tag in 1Password 7. They need to be together.

    I think that the solution might be trying to find a way to move items from one tag into another in my new 1Password 7. That, in combination with deleting unwanted tags, would allow me to reconstruct my list.

    I upgraded to 1Password 7 by updating my 1Password 6, downloading and installing 1Password 7 from your site and allowing it to pick up the existing data.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @ctolson - I'm sorry for the inconvenience. Folders are no longer used in 1Password 7 for Mac, as it sounds like you've discovered. If you had both a "banks" tag and a "banks" folder, then you're right, that would indeed account for the discrepancy/apparent duplication. What I'd recommend is moving bank-related items all under one tag, then simply deleting the other tag, which you can do by right-clicking (or control-clicking) on that tag in the sidebar of 1Password for Mac's main window. Hope that's helpful. :)

  • ctolson
    Community Member

    I don't know how to move an item into a tag. Drag and drop doesn't seem to work. I can't simply write the name of the tag at the bottom of the item because it is already there. I tried to re-write it and even to copy and paste the name of the tag from the other group to no avail. How do I do that?

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @ctolson - I'm not sure we're on the same page here; please have a look at how to work with tags in 1Password for Mac, and let me know if that works for you. You can remove tags if you wish by clicking the edit button on any item, then selecting the tag and clicking Delete (backspace).

  • ctolson
    Community Member

    I had to replace every tag in order for the list to group them properly, but it worked and I am please with that. I have two questions: 1- Is there a way to change the order of the list of tags according to my priority instead of just alphabetically; 2- Do you have an article that will guide me through installing 1Password7 on my other computer so that the items and tags come out right from the beginning. Both machines sync with the same dropbox account and vaults.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @ctolson - there is not a way currently to order tags other than the alphabetical default.

    If you have other devices on which you're using the same configuration of vaults, then they should already be in sync -- unless you were previously using the older Agile Keychain style of sync keychain, and had it converted in 1Password 7 for Mac. If that's the case, it's probably best to Start Over on your other devices, and just choose the new OPVault keychain(s) in Dropbox when you re-open 1Password, then add any additional vaults by double-clicking them from your Dropbox folder on the Mac. Let me know if you have any questions.

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