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Recover accidentally removed vault on account

Community Member

I accidentally removed a vault that was on my account. How can I recover this?

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    Welcome to the forum, @yguser! I'm really sorry to hear that, because unfortunately, the answer is: you can't. If you delete individual items within a vault, you can restore them by using the Restore Deleted Item feature, but entire vaults are a different matter. Vault deletions are permanent - that's why there's a warning about this when someone goes to delete the vault, and the name of the vault has to be typed in order to delete it: we want you to be sure. You can reset the passwords that were in it, though, and generate strong new ones using 1Password: -- hope that helps.

  • yguser
    Community Member

    Hi Lars,

    Appreciate the quick response. One of my ex-employees was logged into an account that wasn't theirs and thought they were removing the vault from their account, while it was actually another account.

    Luckily we were able to boot one of our computers in "Airplane" mode so it wouldn't sync the removed Vault. Managed to create a backup there, and used it to create a new vault and import the backup into a Standalone vault. Consequently we moved all items to a new Vault on

    It's probably good to mention this someone in your support docs, that a Vault is not backed up. I was actually under the impression that everything in your cloud was backed up.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @yguser - wow, excellent quick thinking! Glad you were able to salvage the vault's contents.

    It's probably good to mention this someone in your support docs, that a Vault is not backed up. I was actually under the impression that everything in your cloud was backed up.

    Everything IS backed up, including all the data in various vaults. You can restore any individual item at any time, even from the trash. But entire vaults are a different animal than single (or even multiple) 1Password items. We'll continue to try to make this more flexible, but that is in fact why we make it impossible to casually delete a vault -- you have to be certain enough that's what you want to do, that you're willing to manually type out the name of the vault and press Enter in order to confirm that you do indeed want to delete it.

  • yguser
    Community Member

    I see what you're saying Lars, in regards to Vaults not being backed up and all individual items are. However, if you can't recover the individual items that are in a removed vault, it still counts as not being recoverable.

    Appreciate the transparency for sure. Another idea could be to add a "first make a backup"-flow when removing a vault, or at least make that a very obvious option during the removal flow. Triggering the user to 1) think twice by entering the vault name 2) create a backup first so if its a mistake, there is some form of recovery.

  • Thanks for the feedback on this @yguser. We'll continue to evaluate how to best protect against this kind of scenario.


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