Sort by Watchtower Vulnerability Missing with More Than 1 Vault
The option to sort logins by Watchtower Vulnerability disappears when I select more than 1 vault:
The only way I have found to get it back is to select a single vault, select Logins, and then select All Vaults again. Is this intentional or a bug?
1Password Version: 7.3.1
Extension Version:
OS Version: macOS 10.14.5
Sync Type: Not Provided
Referrer: forum-search:Sort by Watchtower Vulnerability
Hi @riegelstamm,
Odd, I still have the Watchtower Vulnerability option when I'm in the All Vaults view, I'm not sure why it is disappearing for you. Can you try quitting 1Password completely, the easiest way I know of being hold down the alt/option ⌥ key and click on the 1Password icon in the macOS menu bar at the top of the screen. Select the menu option Quit 1Password Completely. Launch 1Password and unlock. Do you continue to see this oddity in the All Vaults view?
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@littlebobbytables, that didn't help. After reopening 1Password, All Vaults with all categories are displayed, sorted by Watchtower Vulnerability. However, I only want Logins, so when I click on Logins, it changes to sorted by Password Strength, with no option for Watchtower Vulnerability. The only way to get it is to switch to 1 vault and then back to All Vaults.
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Hello @riegelstamm,
So it appears whether it is vault or vaults is a red herring, the issue is when a specific category is selected. If I select Login items in the sidebar whether I have a specific vault or I'm in the All Vaults view then the sort option is missing. I'll file an issue to see if there's a reason why that is the case.
ref: apple-4030
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@littlebobbytables, thanks for filing the issue. I wouldn't call it a red herring whether it's 1 or more vaults, though, as they do seem to play a part. I have no problem getting sort Logins by Watchtower Vulnerability with a single vault. I just can't get it for All Vaults until I switch to 1 vault first.
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Hi @riegelstamm,
Given you're reporting you can sort the category Logins by Watchtower Vulnerability in a single vault can you create a screenshot showing this please. I'm unable to do so otherwise I wouldn't trouble you. Ideally it would show enough of the sidebar to show Logins selected and you would want to blank out the visible part of the item list pane so that none of your items are showing given that is your personal data and they're not part of the issue. I'd like to add that to the filed issue as part of the inconsistency.
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@littlebobbytables, I can't get it to show that, either! I thought I could sort one vault by Watchtower vulnerability with only logins selected, but it appears I was mistaken.
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Hi @riegelstamm,
If we're seeing consistent behaviour between us that's okay, those are the best kind of issues. Anything where we agree with our independent observations and I can detail steps that will easily reproduce means we stand a chance at some kind of resolution. It's the bugs where it's four people affected or the bug is intermittent, those are the ones that make troubleshooting even tougher than it already is.