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License keys, Macs, iOS, Windows - What a mess

Community Member

I recently added a Windows box to my Apple-centric life and need some help understanding my options.

I've used 1Password for a number of years. I don't have a membership, but have MacOS (purchased on the Apple App Store), iPhone and iPad versions which I sync with iCloud. A few years ago I had a Windows machine and I have a license key for a windows versions, but haven't had
a Windows box for 2-3 years. I don't remember how I synced everything when I had the Windows machine (I vaguely remember that I did it manually?).

What are my options in re-adding windows to my life? I want to make sure I preserve all my data and that everything syncs automatically.


1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • Hi @JPShanghai

    I'd be happy to help with getting you set up on your new Windows computer. I'd encourage you to consider a membership to address this, as it'll accomplish a few different things for you:

    1. It gets you access to the latest versions of 1Password for all of your compatible devices both now and going forward.
    2. Sync happens between all of your 1Password installations automagically. Once you've migrated your data all that is required is that you sign in to the same 1Password account on each device. You no longer have to use a 3rd party cloud service or do anything manually.

    There are a number of other benefits as well, which you can read more about here:

    About 1Password membership

    If you decide you'd like to go that route we have a migration guide available here:

    Move your existing 1Password data to a 1Password account

    I hope that helps. Should you have any other questions or concerns, please feel free to ask.


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