Moving from Business to Families

Community Member
edited July 2019 in Families

I am on 1Password for Business now with a free redemption to Families. I saw the redemption link but I had to scroll down 200+ authorised devices to see the link. I have never culled the device list up to now.

I have a question. Being with Families, does that mean if there are 5 accounts in 1Password for Families does each one will have to sign up. I'd like to do a preregistration. I haven't redeemed the code yet. Also there could be temp or guest accounts like a visitor comes and I would provide a password when asked?

My parent definitely should be in 1Password for Families.

Being in Business and Families, if I now have Duo enabled in Business, can I also have 1Password TOTP enabled as well? I want to try two accounts, 1 Business and 1 Families, on the same device.


  • Hi @wkleem

    Like other 1Password membership levels people joining a 1Password Families membership need to be invited, create an account using that invitation, and then be approved by an organizer. I'm not entirely sure what you mean by a "preregistration." 1Password Families memberships do allow for guest accounts, just like 1Password Business memberships do. These can be handy for house guests that might need the WiFi password, for example, but not access to the rest of your shared family data.

    Being in Business and Families, if I now have Duo enabled in Business, can I also have 1Password TOTP enabled as well? I want to try two accounts, 1 Business and 1 Families, on the same device.

    You cannot have both Duo and 1Password TOTP on the same account, but you could have Duo on the business account and TOTP on the families account. These could both be added to the same device. I actually do something similar with my work account (Duo) and my personal account (TOTP).


  • wkleem
    Community Member

    Thanks Ben

    In my reading of a part of the 1Password Forum, I now realise it won't work.

    I now have to sign up for Families then click the free redemption in Business. I put it off. Is there an intro to Families prior to signup?

  • You're welcome. :)

    Is there an intro to Families prior to signup?

    If you're already familiar with 1Password Business then the learning curve for 1Password Families should be very low. If you're looking for something to point your family members to then I'd suggest this guide:

    Get started with 1Password


  • wkleem
    Community Member
    edited August 2019


    I do feel now that if I haven’t bought Joe Kissell’s 1Password book then I might be missing out on getting to know 1Password. I have yet to buy Kissell’s book.

    You guy do good work but the documentation feels too scattered or spread out. No ebook format also.

    I also cannot be sure of any invalid links from the past which might be lurking around still from within going from Agilebits to

  • ag_ana
    1Password Alumni
    edited August 2019

    You guy do good work but the documentation feels too scattered or spread out. No ebook format also.

    We believe that a website works better for a tool such as 1Password. An ebook is linear, but different users will approach learning 1Password in different ways. A support website allows you to read just what you need or you are interested in, in the order you prefer.

    I also cannot be sure of any invalid links from the past which might be lurking around still from within going from Agilebits to

    Have you found any?

    All the documentation pages are on, not on, so please let us know if you have seen any pointing to the wrong place.

  • wkleem
    Community Member
    edited August 2019

    I did find but because I did not take note, I cannot remember now. Some earlier reports have been solved, like going from the old Agilebits Watchtower site to the new site.

    I will report the errors when I encounter them. Less now than compared to before.

  • ag_ana
    1Password Alumni

    Sounds good, thank you :)

  • wkleem
    Community Member
    edited August 2019

    Whatever happened to Apps Love 1Password? It used to be a place to discover Apps which supported 1Password but now? I cannot find it. The Agilebits blog has changed to 1Password blog and content is now seemingly lost.

  • wkleem
    Community Member
    edited August 2019

    The old link was here but now is redirected to:

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    It didn't make the cut for the new site, and with iOS Password Autofill filling that need now, I'm not sure it makes sense to maintain something like that -- or evangelize apps explicitly supporting 1Password in the first place, since that is no longer necessary. :)

  • wkleem
    Community Member
    edited August 2019

    This is just one more of the 1Password features like 1Browser, being disused or abandoned. I have not had a need for 1Browser, which Mobile Safari replaces with the 1Password extension.

    Understood, although iOS AutoFill seems like beta quality to me at this point, :) It will be improved on. However I would rather use what is stable and has consistent UI. The Apps Love 1Password feature was stable and I am familiar with 1Password's UI.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    iOS Password Autofill never felt like a beta to me even when it was a beta last summer. :lol: But certainly if there are apps you use frequently which have not been updated to properly support it, you may have different results -- though I'd argue that it's those apps that feel like beta in that case, since this has been around for a year now. :)

    I do have fond memories of the 1Password extension though, because it was the first chance we had to offer an experience like that outside of 1Password on iOS. it's still available now, but I find myself not needing to use it at all. Apps that were updated to support the extension but not Autofill are few and far between.

  • wkleem
    Community Member
    edited August 2019


    It's great you and others are having better luck than I am. I have a current issue with AutoFill which I cannot understand how it is supposed to work from within iOS. As you say, maybe some apps aren't AutoFill compatible. My thinking, and I could be wrong, is that when Apple does something people generally follow, unlike, say, Microsoft or Android?

  • ag_ana
    1Password Alumni

    We will investigate the Flickr behavior and get back to you in your other discussion ;)

  • wkleem
    Community Member

    Thank you.

  • :+1: :)


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