merging log-ins with the same password

Community Member

I have a university log-in that requires me to use the same password across multiple domains. This isn't really a reused password, since it's just using my university ID for the content management system, the library, the RA payroll, the parking site, the travel reimbursement manager, etc, but it does show up that way on 1pass. The annoying thing is that the university also requires me to change my password every 6 months, at which point I have to manually update approximately 15 log-ins.

Is there a way to merge these log-ins so that I can update the password in one location and have it propagate to the other log-ins? I understand that I could manually add URLs to the log-in (which would be one-time rather than twice/year), but I'm hoping for an automated solution. If not, I guess consider it a feature request.

One additional problem that I specifically have in dealing with this is that the log-ins aren't all totally identical. It's the same password, but some sites require my full email (, others just the email username (first.last), and others require my university ID number. But, if I could merge all the ones with identical log-ins, at least I'd just have to update it in 3 locations rather than 15.

1Password Version: 7.3.1
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: OS X 10.12.6
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • ag_ana
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @orLE! Welcome to the forum!

    I understand that I could manually add URLs to the log-in (which would be one-time rather than twice/year)

    This would be the best solution for this at the moment. This would also allow you to update your password just once when requested, and it would also clean up your list of logins if you have a big number of them using these credentials.

    One additional problem that I specifically have in dealing with this is that the log-ins aren't all totally identical. It's the same password, but some sites require my full email (, others just the email username (first.last), and others require my university ID number.

    I am not sure that 1Password can do anything to help you with this, as it sounds more like a configuration thing better done at the source (your university systems), but thank you for sharing your feedback!

  • orLE
    Community Member

    OK, thanks! I guess consider this a feature request to be able to automagically merge a list of "duplicate password" log-ins.

  • ag_ana
    1Password Alumni

    Sounds good, thank you again for taking the time to share this!

    If you have any other questions, please feel free to reach out anytime.

    Have a wonderful day :)

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