1Password CLI & Apple Notarization Service

Community Member

Hi there,

For now, a macOS application with embedded 1Password CLI (build v57001) can't be notarized.

Here, the log message error from the server:
"severity": "error",
"code": null,
"path": "My Application.app/Contents/Resources/1Password/op-57001",
"message": "The binary uses an SDK older than the 10.9 SDK.",
"docUrl": null,
"architecture": "x86_64"

As of the end of September, macOS Catalina will be rollout for everyone and will require to notarize application before distribution.

Is it planned to be compatible with Catalina?

Thank you 🙏
— Hugo

1Password Version: CLI v57001
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: 10.14.6 (18G87)
Sync Type: Not Provided


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