Password Reuse in Watchtower

Community Member
edited August 2019 in Lounge

Is there a way of ignoring Password Reuse in Watchtower? I have Password Reuse flagged on some logins but I think it's due to a lack of "Lenient URL" matching? This feature was from the old 1Password 4 for Windows Standalone version? I don't think 1Password 7 for Windows has this feature? Some of these Logins are old and deprecated.

For example, Nokia's Ovi and were two separate logins with the same password.

Some saved passwords from the Login creation are also Reused Passwords.

The old 1Password for Android had only 1 URL allowed per login. I haven't gone in to check on Android as I seldom use Android. 1Password 7 for Android might/would have corrected this issue by now.

Is it necessary to refer back to a 2 year old post which I started on the lack of Lenient URL matching?


  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    The "lenient URL matching" option is long-dead because it was super confusing, even for us. That's just how 1Password works since a few years ago now: the extension will show you matching Login items based on the current URL's domain. This has no bearing on Watchtower, which notifies you of reused passwords. We're exploring ways to allow users to flag specific Logins to have Watchtower "ignore" to some extent, but it's not something we can offer without making sure it's a solution that scales across the board, and developing and testing it everywhere. In the mean time, using a single Login item with multiple URLs when login credentials are "shared" across different websites can avoid the issue entirely. And I'm sure we'll have more to say on the subject in the future. :)

  • wkleem
    Community Member
    edited October 2019

    I don't know what it is with 1Password for iOS, or generally, mobile and Desktop versions?

    I have an issue with 1Password. When I use Mobile Safari redirects to and my actual 1Password is in

    If I use directly there is no issue but not when I use the 1Password start page. IOS 7.4.2. iPadOS.

    No issues from 1Password for Desktop. iOS still has issues with the subdomain.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni and are mostly interchangeable. You'll only see differences based on if there are accounts you've previously signed into there, as you'll get a list to select from if there are more than one. :)

  • wkleem
    Community Member

    @brenty, I come across issues. Although Agilebits might not solve them, at least not immediately, I still think I should highlight or re-highlight them?

    I now realise the way I save logins have something to do with Password Reuse in Watchtower.

    I see now, in many websites, rather than a simple change password, there are additional items like current password, create new password and type new password. I saved them in a new login rather than update login.

    I still have issue with regard to 1Password for iOS saving a password and then going back to Desktop?

    Extra 1Password Generator passwords trigger Watchtower Password Reuse.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    We definitely appreciate hearing about issues that come up with 1Password, but indeed even when it is something we can address we need to prioritize things accordingly, and that can mean setting them aside while we work on things that can have a greater impact.

    Regarding Watchtower, generating a Password separately and then saving a login can result in "reused" passwords since multiple items will have the same. On the desktop, you can instead convert a Password to a Login, and that's something we're working on in the current 1Password for iOS beta as well. :+1:

  • wkleem
    Community Member
    edited November 2019

    WRT the 1Password Master Password lock screen issues, that one is particularly frustrating. It had been there for years without resolution. I still cannot find the cause or causes. Anyway I look forward to improvements.


  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    Once the lock screen is redesigned I think that will help. :)

  • wkleem
    Community Member
    edited November 2019

    There is an issue in anoother discussion I've not thought about. Newer iPads have Slide Over and Split View ability which I have not investigated. I tried iOS 12 and iPadOS but not Slide Over and Split View with 1Password. The Master Password lock screen shouldn't interfere in those views?

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    The Touch ID prompt can integer a bit since it is modal. But that's the OS. 1Password itself can't interfere with the OS or other apps, as everything is sandboxed.

  • wkleem
    Community Member
    edited November 2019

    There are many buried features. Even if I knew, I could try Slide Over and Spilt View only recently. My devices never had 3D Touch and it is now permanently gone with iOS 13/iPadOS

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    I found Slideover and Splitview to be really easy on earlier versions of iOS, but I could not for the life of me figure it on iPadOS 13 without looking it up on the web. I kind of get it now, but I keep trying to do it the old way, which doesn't work. Hopefully I will learn in time though. :lol:

  • wkleem
    Community Member
    edited November 2019


    I have tried demo iPads in the stores before. Never figured it out before but now I am also getting the hang of it. The newer features need getting used to and before iPadOS, Files App usefulness was limited.

    I still have not found Watchtower v2.0? on 1Password for iOS, 1Password 7 for Android is ahead of 1Password for iOS when it comes to Watchtower and I am on iOS most of the time. I know there is the 1Password for Web version but I still would rather use the Apps? 1Password for Desktop is still ahead of mobile.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    Desktop will likely remain "ahead" of mobile in many ways unless the dynamic in the industry with desktop browsers and OSes getting advanced features exclusively or ahead of mobile -- or until we're all using "mobile" devices/OSes. But we'll keep working to add features over time no matter what. :)

    As far as the whole iPadOS 13 thing, I find that if I wait longer than I think I should have to I can get Splitscreen and Slideover to work reliably now. :lol:

  • wkleem
    Community Member
    edited November 2019

    Here is a tip. (I realise only Agilebits can see/read my discussions, confusing others who get a notification of a post but no visible postings.) Due to a 1Password Master Password lock screen limitation with iPadOS, it might be best to have two side by side Split View screens rather than a slideover, floating, screen.

    1Password 7.4 appears to be not Slide Over ready?

    Unfortunately now with iPadOS 13.2 I cannot screen capture with the keyboard overlaid on 1Password anymore. Each time I try the keyboard vanishes.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    I still need to get used to how it works in iPadOS 13, but once I get past that it works just fine. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

  • wkleem
    Community Member

    Great! Just watch out for the lockscreen which is overlaid on 1Password.

  • That should be fixed as part of our overall efforts to improve the lock screen (under the hood stuff). I couldn't say when that'll be available, but it is a project that is on the radar.


  • wkleem
    Community Member
    edited November 2019

    Thanks. I'll wait for the improvements. It the meantime there's always Split View. For those apps which support the features anyway. The Flickr for iOS App which was discussed previously is lacking in many areas.

  • The Flickr for iOS App which was discussed previously is lacking in many areas.

    Wish we could help with that, but we're pretty well invested in 1Password. ;)


  • wkleem
    Community Member

    No problem @Ben, just highlighting some issues I have discovered. IOS can multitask now better than ever. It is up to people to discover and work around potential issues.

  • It is definitely an exciting time to be an iOS user.


  • wkleem
    Community Member

    I suppose Agilebits could not say when the Catalyst based MAC iOS hybrid 1Password will be out? Watchtower on iOS is in great need of improvements..

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    I'm not sure we'll even build a Catalyst version of 1Password. We've already got native apps for those platforms, and Catalyst is limited in many ways. Maybe in the future a successor to it will be more flexible and it will make sense. Or people will stop using computers altogether. Only time will tell.

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