How to add a username to an existing login entry

Community Member

Many web sites do 2 stage logins .. when 1Password saves there there is no username entry .. I need to add the field but there is no obvious way to add a "real" username field that I can tell (at least it's not obvious) .. I see the password at the top -- but no "username" .. and no way to create the field.. (that I can see) .. Am I missing something? This is with the actual App not the browser plugin ..

1Password Version: 7.3.2
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: 10.14.5
Sync Type: Not Provided
Referrer: forum-search:How to add a username to an existing login entry


  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    Welcome to the forum, @sjmcdowall! The first thing I'd point you towards is our how-to for creating multiple-page logins. Does that help? If not, or if you can't figure how to make those instructions work for the Login page you're on, would you mind sharing the URL with us so we can investigate? Thanks.

  • jms_1p
    Community Member

    @Lars, thanks so much for the link to the instructions: creating multi-page logins. I've used 1Password for many years and didn't realize that this technique would work.

    In the provided example, is there a reason 1Password cannot present the 1Password - Save Login dialog when the user advances from the email entry with the Next button (to create) and then again when the user advances from the password entry (to update)?

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @jms_1p,

    Mostly due to the likelihood of false positives. When we see a password field being submitted we can be pretty confident that even knowing nothing else about the page this is something that a 1Password user will want 1Password to display a prompt. When it comes to text fields though there are so many uses and reasons for their existence that only prompting in the right places and time is a very tricky problem. It would only take a small percentage of false prompts before it would drive the most patient user to distraction.

  • jms_1p
    Community Member

    @littebobbytables, thanks for the explanation.

  • On behalf of littlebobbytables you're most welcome. :)


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