Small -but enormously useful- feature request for the password generator :)

Community Member

Now that I've got around 200 accounts in 1Password, I am repeatedly coming across one issue that makes updating a password more fiddly than it could be - the password generator doesn't remember what settings were used the last time a password was generated on a per-site basis.

What would be fantastic is if each stored site/login knew what settings its previously-generated password used, and defaulted to those settings when next regenerating a password for that site, eg:

  • SiteX: symbols=True, length=24, digits=True
  • SiteY: symbols=False, length=16, digits=True
  • SiteZ: symbols=True, length=32, digits=False

Currently, if I update a password on a site where the maximum number of characters is decent (20+) and that accepts special chars, and then go to update a password on another site that a tops out at 16 and doesn't allow special chars (Japanese banks are the worst - don't even get me started on how many things wind me up about them, argh! >_< ), the generated password for the second site will be too long, as it will use the same options as the first.

However, if the generator could remember the settings (eg: symbols, digits, length / words-vs-chars mode) last used per-site, you would only ever have to deal with setting the options appropriately the very first time you generated a password - thereafter, regenerating passwords for a given site would always default to known valid options, as they would conform to the previously used settings.

I'm sure there are plenty of things planned, but this would be a fantastic quality-of-life improvement... :)


1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • ag_ana
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @ayembee!

    Thank you very much for taking time out of your day to to share this feedback! We appreciate every idea that could make 1Password even better.

    I can see how this could be useful to you, so while I cannot make any promises, I can tell you that I have shared your feedback internally :)

    Once again, thank you and have a wonderful day!

  • ayembee
    Community Member

    My hero - thanks! Enjoy the weekend ;)

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    Likewise, thanks for bringing it up. And have a great weekend yourself! :)

  • ayembee
    Community Member
    edited September 2019

    Small addendum; I think the option to exclude certain special characters from passwords generated for particular sites has been mentioned before - having password settings be sticky per-site would make adding that feature more reasonable, as you wouldn't ever accidentally decrease password entropy for all sites (by excluding some chars for one, and then having the password generator continue to exclude those chars going forward).

    Just mention this as I'm in the middle of what is turning into a weekend-long project (ouch :'() to move all of my online accounts from a Gmail email address to an iCloud email address (google finally hit my privacy-tolerance limit, haha), and have come across a few password rules along those lines, eg:

    Delta airlines password rules:

    Must contain -

    • 8-20 characters
    • 1 number
    • 1 uppercase and 1 lowercase letter

    Cannot contain

    • The "@ or <" symbols <<<<
    • Your SkyMiles number, email or username
    • More than 3 special characters

    Anyway, that's just some bonus flavor - thanks again!
    Still one of my all-time favorite products, couldn't live without it! :+1:

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    Small addendum; I think the option to exclude certain special characters from passwords generated for particular sites has been mentioned before - having password settings be sticky per-site would make adding that feature more reasonable, as you wouldn't ever accidentally decrease password entropy for all sites (by excluding some chars for one, and then having the password generator continue to exclude those chars going forward).

    @ayembee: I don't disagree. But there are thing we need to work on that will be of benefit to many more people. What you're talking about would take a great deal of development and testing across 7 apps. I think it's a good idea, but there are other things that need to be a higher priority. Hopefully we can do something like that someday. But ultimately it doesn't scale, as each user would need to set that up themselves for each site. I think it would be better if we can find a way for 1Password to know the requirements for sites and automatically generate the best password allowable. But that's quite a challenge all to itself. :)

    Just mention this as I'm in the middle of what is turning into a weekend-long project (ouch :'() to move all of my online accounts from a Gmail email address to an iCloud email address (google finally hit my privacy-tolerance limit, haha)

    Wow. That does sound like a weekend-long project! I hope it's going well! :+1:

    and have come across a few password rules along those lines, eg: Delta airlines password rules:

    That's actually one I encountered recently myself. The good news is that basically the 1Password X Suggested Password feature solves this, as it automatically suggests a 20 character password composed of capital and lowercase letters, and numbers. The bad news is we don't (yet?) have that feature everywhere. But so far it seems to be working well, and perhaps we can do something similar elsewhere in the future. :)

    Anyway, that's just some bonus flavor - thanks again! Still one of my all-time favorite products, couldn't live without it! :+1:

    Hey, we couldn't do what we do without the support of you and the rest of our awesome customers, so thank you as well for that, and for the kind words! :chuffed:

This discussion has been closed.