Feature Request: Integration with Messages to capture SMS OTP

Community Member

Safari has this nice trick where an OTP password sent across Messages can be auto-inserted when authenticating. Would be very nice if op could do this as well.. so we can have that feature regardless of browser. So:
1. Login to site that uses SMS OTP ( say .. amazon )
2. Get prompted for SMS OTP
3. Messages receives SMS OTP
4. op notices the query for SMS OTP and pings messages, sees the corresponding type and offers to insert in the field.
5. profit!
Not sure if it's realistic .. and it would have the implicit affect of op being able to access messages. Not sure what is "noticing" the SMS and if that API has a push?

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided
Referrer: forum-search:Feature Request: Integration with Messages to capture SMS OTP


  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @sandinak - it's not realistic -- at least, not under the current circumstances. We don't have access to those APIs and even if we did, SMS TOTP is inherently much less secure than other methods and is also therefore being increasingly phased out, which is a good thing.

  • sandinak
    Community Member

    Oh I agree with it being insecure and should be phased out .. just more for those (amazon) that seem to want to keep it .. would make things easier. Thanks for the response.

  • Thanks for the feedback. As Lars mentioned, Safari can do this because it has access to Apple's private APIs. 1Password doesn't. We don't have a way to read text out of the Messages app at this time. If that technology is ever opened up I imagine we would consider implementing it. :)


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