Edit button location on 1Password 7 for Mac

Community Member

Hello, on 1Password 7 for Mac, the Edit button is at the top of the window, but on the browser extension, the Edit button is at the bottom. This causes confusion every time. Please consider unifying the interface so that the edit button appears at the same location in the app and browser extensions. Thanks!

1Password Version: 7.3.2
Extension Version:
OS Version: macOS Mojave
Sync Type: 1Password acccount
Referrer: forum-search:edit button


  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    Welcome to the forum, @jboynton! I'll certainly pass along your wishes to the development team -- but for the meantime, if it's bothering you substantially, I'd suggest editing your data in only one place, probably the 1Password app. The web interface for a 1Password account is great if you need to access your data on another computer...but if I had the 1Password app available to me, I'd always prefer to use that for editing/organizing of my data. It's got capabilities that a web-based view just doesn't - and likely never will - have. Thanks for letting us know you'd like to see this "unified."

  • jboynton
    Community Member
    edited September 2019

    Thanks Lars. I hardly ever use the web interface. The difference I see is between the app and browser extension, which I need to use when interacting with websites requiring a password. I would like to see the edit button position unified between the app and the browser extension.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @jboynton - ah, sorry -- I misread your original post. In the extension, this was a conscious design choice; the extension/mini is primarily for saving and filling. You can edit within the mini, but that's not its main function, which is why the Edit button is located where it is. I don't know that this is something we'll be changing, but I'll pass along your idea to the development team.

  • davnyc
    Community Member

    +1 for the UI fix suggested above. I use both interfaces (app and web) regularly for both editing and saving, and I think lots of your users stay in mini as much as possible, including for editing. When the edit button is placed at the top in one platform and bottom in the other, users are forced to go looking rather clicking through by habit. Keeping the UI as consistent as possible across platforms would be great for us. Thanks.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    Thanks for the feedback. We'll continue to evaluate this along with everyone else's. Have a great weekend! :)

This discussion has been closed.