Updating password info does not update URL


New to 1Password. I have imported my passwords from another app and I find that I have to go thru all of them to make them work. When I go to the actual site, setup the login page with distinct "logon" url, I fill in info clicking the icon, then I go and click update, it says it saves it and gives me an option to change title, which is not necessary in most cases and, no changes are updated on the Url to include new "login" url. What is the procedure to update the info ( mostly url) on an existing 1password login card.

1Password Version: 7+
Extension Version: latest
OS Version: win 10
Sync Type: yours


  • Hey @BertSP! Welcome to the forum, and welcome to 1Password. :smile: There's not currently a way to auto-change a URL like you describe. We want a login to work for any variation of a URL that you might be on. If you're on smile.amazon.com for example, we want amazon.com items to work, and vice versa. Or if you're on amazon.com/signin, we want that to work, too. If you were always given the option to update a URL, you could quickly become overwhelmed and be changing the URL all the time for no real good reason.

    If you're looking to change a URL to its direct sign-in page, so that you can use open and fill from 1Password (rather than opening a site manually, then autofilling), you'll just want to do that by editing the item, rather updating the item as part of the autosave workflow. Open the 1Password desktop app, then click the Edit button on the item you want to change, and then you can change the URL stored there.

    I hope this helps — please let us know if you have any other questions as you're adjusting to 1Password. :smile:

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