Want to like this and use it but...

Community Member

So far it’s been way too much of a hassle to try and transfer all of my keychain/iCloud keychain items over.

Used the scripts but that only grabs logins from the local Safari database.

Tried the process recommended for getting the iCloud items over but, my iCloud items will not copy over to a local version.

Not going to go through one by one to manually do this. Unless someone has another way to import from Mac/iCloud going to have to ditch this app.


  • mikegoldnj
    Community Member
    edited October 2019

    Trying the Get_Safari12_Passwords method with the custom version you posted but, getting errors.

    It starts up and asks for unlock password for keychain, which I entered, starts processing items and then throws an error and keeps asking for unlock password again.

    Error:System Events got an error: Can’t get scroll area 1 of group 1 of group 1 of window "Passwords" of application process "Safari". Invalid index.

  • This discussion was created from comments split from: Export icloud keychain saved password to csv file [Solved].
  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @mikegoldnj: I'm sorry for the trouble. it sounds like you're trying to use @MrC ’s converter there. Some things have changed again in Safari, but there may be a workaround for the issue you're having. Do the suggestions here help? https://discussions.agilebits.com/discussion/comment/499144/#Comment_499144

  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator

    @mikegoldnj ,

    You're caught in one of the trappings of the macOS and iCloud Keychains. Like the Roach Motel, you can get in, but you can't get out.

    Each year, getting items out of the keychains has become increasingly more difficult. And each release, I spend way too much time trying to find workarounds and solutions. This is one of the reasons why you want to get into 1Password. There is simply no export API or approved process for exporting Keychain items.

    The most recent problems are now that Safari 13 has a very aggressive, fast timeout, where it auto-locks the password dialog even while you are using it. The code is busy actively opening and closing each entry, and Safari slams the door. It's possible this is (partially) a bug that Apple needs to address. I don't know if there's anything I can do to avoid the problem.

    But ditching 1Password, in my opinion, is the wrong perspective. Worst case, you spend some time creating Login entries as you need them, and delete the Safari passwords over time.

  • mikegoldnj
    Community Member

    Thank you. I may do exactly what you suggest and run both keychain and 1password concurrently.

    If I do that, and populate using keychain, will 1password prompt to save that password?

  • ag_ana
    1Password Alumni
    edited October 2019


    There is a chance that Keychain will have priority when you do this, basically suppressing 1Password. That is why we normally recommend disabling Keychain and letting 1Password do its thing alone :)

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @mikegoldnj: Worst case scenario, you can tell 1Password to save the login credentials yourself after entering them:

    How to save a Login manually in your browser

    And we're here if you need us. :)

  • mikegoldnj
    Community Member


  • ag_ana
    1Password Alumni

    :) :+1:

  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator


    I was able to use the custom Get_Safari12_Passwords in both Catalina and Mojave with Safari 13.02. It seems to have resolved the premature closing of the passwords dialog. The dialog now remains open while you are actively focused on it, and only times out quickly when in the background. Previously, it would close sometimes within seconds of opening it.

  • mikegoldnj
    Community Member

    There has to be something weird going on with my system.

    I'm running Safari 13.02 on High Sierra. Tried the "Custom" version of Get_Safari12_Passwords again.

    Now, as soon as I run the script, it opens up the Safari Preferences Extensions dialogue box and then an error, "System Events got an error: Script Editor is not allowed assistive access."

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @mikegoldnj: That sounds like you just need to approve access in System Preferences > Security & Privacy > Privacy > Accessibility -- though I may be mistaken about the exact location.

  • mikegoldnj
    Community Member

    That was it for that problem. I realized that about 2 minutes after posting.

    However, now it just won’t complete the process. Starts working through the passwords and then keeps getting stopped by the keychain password shutting it down.

  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator


    The only other idea I have, which you can try - while the script is running, keep moving / hovering your mouse around the password dialog box. Don't press any keys on the keyboard, or click the mouse - just move it. The idea is to have Safari think you are actually there doing something.

    Note: I'm assuming you're using version 1.5 of the script.

  • mikegoldnj
    Community Member

    It is v 1.5

    Tried the moving cursor around but still no luck....moved on to going through my bookmarks, filling the username/passwords from keychain, and then manually adding to 1Password.

    The piece that is going to be a bear is the iCloud stored items, which is the bulk of what I have to deal with.

  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator
    edited October 2019


    I've asked a few questions of another user - see my latest post here. If you care to provide answers for me to those, it might help me gain some more insight.

  • mikegoldnj
    Community Member
    edited October 2019

    Does it die before doing anything? _No, once I start the script it brings up a dialog asking me to unlock the passwords and then hit continue. Password request for passwords pops up behind. Once I unlock the passwords with the system password and hit continue, the script begins running.

    If not, what row does it get to (approximately) before it dies? Enabled the audible row count. Got through row 9 and then threw an error and passwords locked up and showed the system password request box again. Interesting thing is that if I try to enter the system password, it only lets me enter a few characters and then flashes and deletes what I've entered. Ran it a second time and it got to row 10 but, everything else the same.

    error "System Events got an error: Can’t get scroll area 1 of group 1 of group 1 of window \"Passwords\" of application process \"Safari\". Invalid index." number -1719 from scroll area 1 of group 1 of group 1 of window "Passwords" of application process "Safari"

    How long (clock-wise) does it run after the script begins running? about 30 seconds.

    Is the password dialog locking on you while it is running? Yes, as stated above, after row 9 and, while continuing to move the cursor around the screen.

  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator


    The script should never begin running on its own after you unlock the password dialog. The script presents a Continue dialog, that you must acknowledge to allow the script to continue. Are you not seeing this?

    If you are only getting to row 9, and the password dialog locks, then I don't think the bug is resolved. It should only take a few seconds to get that far, and the premature locking is unreasonable. Safari should not be locking the dialog when it is being actively worked with. Once it locks, the script really can't continue, and there's nothing you can do since I don't anticipate / handle this situation.

    I'm very surprised that it takes your system 30 seconds to process 9 records! Is this a very old, slow system?

  • mikegoldnj
    Community Member

    I do get the "continue" dialog...just forgot to add that detail (edited my post but, not quick enough, LOL)

    It is a mid 2011 MacBook Air, so yes, older and running High Sierra.

  • mikegoldnj
    Community Member

    Not sure if this helps but, my build of Safari: Version 13.0.2 (13608.

  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator


    Sorry about the long delay - we had a power outage here, and I got backlogged with requests.

    I ran the custom script on Sierra 10.13.6 (17G7024) against Safari Version 13.0.2 (13608.

    First thing I tested was the passwords dialog remaining open. It remained open for over 2 minutes without my doing anything. I got bored after that and moved on.

    Then I ran the script, and it completed successfully. And I re-ran it, same thing.

    I added an artificial delay in the script, and then I was able to trigger the error you see. And it happened every time, so I started to think it was the slower machine that was causing the issue with the timeout.

    But I noticed that after the problem, it was now impossible to enter my password into the Safari password dialog, even with my script closed. The Safari bug is still present. There is some timer that is firing and it isn't being dismissed properly, so it gets in the way of you, and the script.

    I quit Safari and ran the script. It ran fine. So long as I quit Safari, and let the script launch it, it completed every time. I increased the per row delay to 4 seconds (so every attempt to open a row would now take 4 or 8 seconds, depending upon the data present). It still completed successfully every time.

    So, you can try this, to see if it helps. Once Safari gets into that botched state, all bets are off.

  • mikegoldnj
    Community Member

    Thanks. I will give it a shot once I’m home. Hopefully I will be replacing the Air with a nice new machine soon.

  • ag_ana
    1Password Alumni

    Sounds good! Let us know if there is anything we can do to help :)

  • mikegoldnj
    Community Member

    That did it! Took a while to work through the keychain list but, no lock ups and all copied out.

    Thanks so much for your patience and help with this!

  • So glad to hear MrC was able to help! :) If there is anything else we can do, please don't hesitate to contact us.


This discussion has been closed.