Deleting old 1P data from iCloud when switching to 1P 7

Community Member

Hi - We're on a family plan and I have just upgraded a family member from using a standalone version of 1P 6 that was syncing using iCloud to 1P 7 using the included syncing service from 1password. Everything went fine but I have a question: Do I need to do anything to make sure that the 1P 6 data that was (or maybe still is) on iCloud gets deleted? Or is this data automatically removed once the old "primary" fault has been deleted from all relevant devices? If I do need to delete it separately, could you tell me which files or folders to look for on iCloud? Thanks.

1Password Version: 1P 7.3.2
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: 10.14.6
Sync Type: iCloud
Referrer: forum-search:icloud


  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @Ashiado - excellent question! No, that data is not automatically removed (because there's no telling when/if you might wish to re-activate syncing). It's also not particularly a risk since Apple encrypts your iCloud data by default and there's of course the encryption provided by 1Password as well. Nevertheless, I'm sympathetic to not wanting to leave old sync keychains around, so if you want to remove them, you can (briefly) re-open 1Password 6 for Mac if you haven't deleted it yet and click Help > Troubleshooting > Reset iCloud data (assuming the Primary vault still exists there). If you've already deleted 1Password 6 for Mac, this option won't be available to you. In that case, probably the best way to manage it would be if the user(s) in question have iOS devices on which they use 1Password for iOS, have them tap Settings > Vaults > Enable Standalone Vaults. This will require the Master Password, then ask for a sync method. Choose iCloud, wait for things to sync to the newly-created Primary vault, then tap Settings > Sync > Primary > Sync Service > Disable Sync to turn OFF iCloud syncing, and finally, tap Settings > Advanced > Erase iCloud Data (in red at the bottom). That will remove the iCloud data (and also break sync on any devices still syncing 1Password data with iCloud, so be sure you want to do it before proceeding).

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